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Treasures of the Dordogne?

We are heading with friends to Cadouin in the Dordogne/Perigord region this fall. I have spent time there before and we have done caves including Font du Gaume, Lascaux II, Roffignac and Pech Merle. (but our friends have not) We have canoed the Vezerre (ugh) and the Dordogne (wonderful) and will be doing the Dordogne again with them.

We are interested in other caves to visit, in chateaux in the region particularly worth a visit, particularly picturesque villages, interesting scenic hikes, worthwhile markets (we will have a cottage and kitchen), other activities or other treasures we may not have thought of. Our friends are the sort who like to be busy exploring and we want to have an agenda of choices that is varied and interesting.

Would love your suggestions or experiences.

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The Sarlat marketplace on Wednesdays and Saturday mornings is impressive and Sarlat's Old Town is nicely lit at night, with street performers to liven things up. The gardens at Eyrignac (13 km NE of Sarlat) are a fine example of a French-style manor and garden. The Chateau de Castlenaud has interesting displays and explanations of medieval armaments and war machines (catapults).

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3633 posts

For pre-history, l'Abri du Cap Blanc and the museum in Les Ezyies. Rocamadour and the nearby Gouffre de Padirac. The latter is a huge (296 ft.) hole in the ground, which leads to 13 miles of galleries. You go on a guided tour, part of which is in a small boat. Spectacular!