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Traveling to Zurich from Paris via train, seat questions

Hi all, we are traveling from Paris to Zurich, direct, on TGV Lyria 9203. I am in the process of purchasing these tickets and have a question. We are selecting 1st class, and it is giving us the option for our seats. We want upper deck, and were looking at side by side rather than facing each other. My question is about the forward facing. Looking at the diagrams that I can find, these seats appear to be side by side without a table, so I am assuming that there are airline style tables that come up out of the armrests? Also, is there a way to tell what direction the seats are facing? I assume if they are forward facing in one direction, that on the return, they are backward facing? Any help will be greatly appreciated!! I need to get these booked tomorrow.

Thanks in advance, this is our first European trip and I've planned everything my self and have found this site to be the most helpful place to get real life answers quickly. You all ROCK!!


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21798 posts

I don't think it is possible to determine if seats are forward facing or not on TGV-Lyria Duplex trains. I always get seats across a table because my wife hates facing backwards, and I don't mind. You have 50% chance of guessing right. If you guess wrong, talk to the conductor about moving to other seats you like better that have not already been reserved. Especially in 1st class, there is a good chance they can accommodate you.

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8889 posts

Steph, not all Paris Switzerland TGV's are double decker, some are single decker.
Currently TGV 9203 is showing as single decker (though this may change by your travel date):

TGV 9203
Paris-Gare de Lyon Dép. 07:23
Belfort Montbéliard TGV Dép. 09:41
Mulhouse Dép. 10:06
Basel Arr. 10:26
Zürich Arr. 11:26

The seat maps are here:
You need to choose route and train type, "Lyria" for the single deckers, "Euroduplex" for the double deckers.

On first class you get a small cold meal, breakfast on the morning trains.

Seats are either facing across a table (in 1st class 1 facing 1 or 2 facing 2), or "airline style" facing the back of the seat in front. In "airline style, the tables fold down from the back of the seat in front, not from the armrests.
Personally for a couple, I think 1 facing 1 across a table is better, but that is personal preference.

The seat numbering is complicated. It is done with lighted numbers on the seat back. The numbers change depending on which way the train is going, so the same number (but not the same seat) is facing the same way in both directions.
When you book a seat, you can choosing "facing forward" or "facing back".

Posted by
13 posts

Thank you Sam and Chris. You both have confirmed what my thoughts were about the seat numbering and forward facing selection. Chris, I am not sure where you are seeing the TGV Lyria 9203 as not being a double deck, but when I have been to 2 different sites to price tickets, I am being given the option to choose upper deck or lower deck. I guess things can change between now and then, so I'll make my purchase based on my options given, then hope for the best!! Thanks again!