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Traveling between Bayeux, France and Montreux, Switzerland via train

I am new to train travel in Europe, but looks like the route goes thru Paris where you have to transfer between trains at different stations?

Do use the "Metro" to get between stations and if so is there room to bring your suitcase and carry-on with you?


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16893 posts

A) Yes and B) Yes, both are standard in Paris. Or you might take a taxi between stations. Gare de Lyon is large and you don't want to miss your reserved train there, so take every caution regarding traveling lightly and not dawdling. Many people would take a taxi between stations, especially if there's more than one in your party. Although a one-hour connection time can work, with no delays, you'd be safer to give yourself more time.

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20187 posts

The No 14 Metro line connects Gare St Lazare and Gare de Lyon most directly with the least amount of walking. It is the newest Metro line with a deep tunnel, so there are elevators available to the platform. It is also pretty fast since there are only 3 intermediate stops.