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Travel to France in 2024

I posted a note yesterday about a trip I'm planning to Paris and Normandy in late September or October and had some nice responses. I also received a private message from a traveler who suggested I should wait until next year to go. The reason was that he believed because of the Olympics in Paris over the summer that many travelers will put off their travel there, especially to Paris, until the fall, and that the time I want to go might be much more crowded than usual, and probably more expensive. Do any of you have a trip to France planned in the fall or possibly have an opinion on what that person had to say? I have been to Paris three times and Normandy twice, but my traveling companion, a big WWII buff, has never been out of the USA. Thank you.

BTW, as a courtesy, I did tell the person who wrote me that I was going to put this out to a larger group, and he was fine with it.


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111 posts

My granddaughter and I are going to Paris the week before the Olympics start. I’m prepared for metro delays, crowded venues, etc. I think it depends on how you handle uncomfortable or unexpected situations.

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524 posts

My daughter & I are going to Paris late October; looking forward to it; Fall is the best time in Europe. Never put off as tomorrow may never come! Spring & Summer are always busier and hopefully the clean up of Paris will hold til the Fall!
Jean H

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10554 posts

We will be in Paris in late October/early November and so far our only known expense is lodging. This will be my 8th time in Paris and the cost seems on track with previous trips. I have no idea how crowded it may be, but I don’t typically go to the most touristy places. I’ve been there and done that already.

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14577 posts

I'll be in Paris for nearly a week in early October, out to Brittany and Normandy for a 2-week tour, then back to Paris for another 8 nights at the end of October. I did wait until October because hotel rates dropped some Oct 1 from a higher level for September.

While I am not going in the summer that's because I just don't go to Paris that time of year because it can be too hot for me!

I'm also conscious that my traveling days are finite and I want to get in everything I can!

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10 posts

I'm going to Bayeux in September for 4 nights, after my trip to Italy and before I head to Haarlem. I have had an Overlord WW2 tour booked since January and will also visit MSM. I feel like these sites will always be busy no matter when you visit. I did find that hotels and air bnbs were booking up fast, even when I booked mine in Feb/March of this year.
Make the best of it. As others have said, tomorrow is not promised, so do what feels right to you and your fellow traveler.

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759 posts

I wouldn't overthink it. There were crowds in Paris and Normandy in April, though not exceedingly so; there will be huge crowds this summer; and I would think there would crowds at the end of September and October, but it's well after the Olympics. I would make a generalization that those who travel in Sept/Oct would do so because that's a great time for travel and they aren't tied to school schedules; not because they really wanted to go this summer, but decided to delay because of the Olympics. Go and enjoy!

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1039 posts

I'll be in Paris (and Normandy) in October. My airfare was higher than some years, but part of that was my booking choices.

janettravels44 (if you see this!) - did you see any change in airfare from ORD? (just curious...... I booked about the same number of months out as the last couple trips)

I booked hotels at about the same price as my last trip in October 2022.

Edit - I think KD expressed it perfectly!

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656 posts

I’ll be there for 2 weeks in late October but won’t be going to the Louvre, ET, or Montmartre (3 of the top sights mentioned in travel planning in social media everyday) so I’m not expecting a lot of difficulties.

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1071 posts

I'll be in France from mid October ending in Paris in the first week of November. If anything, I have been surprised at how reasonable hotel rates are. I expected them to be much more.

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10526 posts

If this is a first-time visit and you plan to see the popular tourist sites, you have to plan your time well. I think the huge increase in October tourism is more of a factor than the Olympic games. Last October, 2023, the lines to get into the Louvre in the afternoon were worse than I had seen in summer. The Carrousel underground shopping entrance line went back to the escalators and continued around a corner. The Pyramid was a huge mass of people. Even as a Louvre member, I gave up trying to get in through the Richelieu entrance because there were so many students and tour groups. So, when you buy timed tickets for museums, get the earliest entry time possible, spend some time, then spend the afternoon seeing sights spread around the city or less popular sights.
If this isn't your first visit and you are branching out, you shouldn't have any problem.

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1565 posts

I'm going to Paris for 12 days in September. Hotel prices were higher than I expected. I am not putting off anything. Seize the day!