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Travel from Paris to Wiesbaden

We will be traveling from Paris to Wiesbaden in July. Would you recommend taking the train or flying. We will have started trip in Santander, Spain traveling a very long day to Caen. After 2 nights there we will have one night in Paris. First time to Europe and already know we are doing too much. We will be taking train from Paris to Caen. Trying to get a flavor of countryside that we would miss traveling by air. Next question would be - train or plane from Wiesbaden/Frankfort to Munich for remaining 6 days?
Thanks to all you much more experienced travelers.

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You can get from Paris to Wiesbaden by rail in just under five hours by taking a TGV from Paris to Frankfurt and then a local train from there. You need to book the ticket NOW on, you may already have left it too late to get the cheapest fare deals. Wiesbaden to Munich is similarly 4 and a half hours or so, and you should again book tickets NOW at to get the best price.

A general rule of thumb in Europe is that travelling by air is generally not worth the extra hassle, or much faster when time spent travelling to airports and queuing is included, for journeys that take less than six hours by rail from city centre to city centre.