Are there trains that go from Paris to Barcelona non-stop? Or without too much of a layover?
No non-stop trains between Paris and Barcelona, but there are direct trains. You can find them at www.sncf-connect.com
And there is the high speed train! We'll be doing that when we go in June.
To summarize, yes, the French train system runs trains from Paris to Barcelona at high-speeds, taking six hours. They make a few stops but no change of train is necessary.
See: https://www.sncf-connect.com/app/en-en/trips
Another vote for the direct Paris-Barcelona train. It's a very nice, comfortable ride, with interesting scenery. I did it in 2018, three days before Christmas, and even with all the big coats, holiday parcels, and excited children, it was great.
RENFE is planning on increasing its services to France, and is planning on 4 daily returns Barcelona - Paris. They even want to get this going this summer. Lets hope they manage, as we really need better cross border services. As typical with RENFE we will only find out a few days before they actually start running.
RENFE is also planning 4 returns on Madrid - Barcelona - Marseilles. I hope they add more trains. Would really love to see a Geneva - Barcelona.