Greetings, does anyone know of other options to get to Versailles from Paris (Marais) besides the train? I have a trip the second week of December and apparently there is a train strike scheduled in the middle of my vacation so I need to find another way to get to Versailles or else go on Tuesday when everything I see says that is the worst day to go as far as crowds. Any advice would be helpful, we are a group of 5 so we wouldn't fit in a standard taxi I think.
The trains from Paris to Versailles are RER trains. From what I’ve read, the strike only concerns SNCF trains. This means that the RER trains will continue to operate. Unless of course you have information that confirms that RER staff will go on strike too.
If the RER trains are on strike, you can take the Métro and a bus to Versailles. You would take Métro line 9 to the Pont de Sèvres stop and there transfer to bus 171. The transfer between the Métro and the bus is not free.
The worst day for crowds at Versailles is everyday. Go early. Though I'm guessing visiting mid-December will be an advantage. Pre holidays and not the height of tourist season. But Paris is always busy. Hopefully the strike isn't for the RER. That's the way to go, if you can!
RER Line C which goes to Versailles is operated by SNCF, so it might be affected by strike action. Personally I wouldn't bother trying to get there by another route on a strike day as other types of transport will be overcrowded and possibly unreliable.
Indeed, RER C is operated by SNCF.
So if the strike goes ahead, your best bet would be to download the G7 app ahead of time, create an account, and make an advance request for a van to take your party of 5 (and another request for returning to Paris).
I think the charge for reserving in advance is 7€ per ride.
Thanks for letting me know about SNCF operating the RER trains. I hope the unions and SNCF can reach an agreement and the strikes are called off.
Thanks Kim, and everyone, that's what I was thinking- make a reservation using G7, but wanted to confirm if there was another way there such as a bus.
Agreed dutch traveler- I hope they will come to an agreement!
And thanks for the advice on the metro and the bus- I will look into that.
Thanks JHK, the metro to the bus doesn't look too bad for us. I think that is what we will do.