Will available translator apps work for those French only description plates near exhibits in museums?
If you have Google Translate as an app on your phone, you can point the camera at a bit of text, such as a label or a paragraph, and it will translate from the original language into any other language you desire. It can even figure out what the original language is by itself. It is magic.
Yes, it should work - but I'll bet you will find it frustrating after a few description plates.
I know those single short signs will work but the 5x7 in plates by the exhibition in French only is what I was inquiring about. I’m taking French but it would be awesome to point and read a paragraph or two
If you turn on the camera and turn on instant translation in Google translator you should be able to point your phone at the block of text in the museum and get a reasonable translation. It won’t be perfect but you’ll get the gist of it. I did this last month on the Basque country tour. Good luck!
Edit: it’ll help if you download the French dictionary into Google translate ahead of time so that you don’t have to worry about getting a good signal inside the museum.
We just returned from France and we used Google translate with mixed results. You need to download the dictionary for sure.
I'm a bit confused, Southerner and Richard, about the dictionary you suggest downloading for use with Google Translate. Is that a separate app supplied by Google, or another one that integrates with the camera translation?
I must ask how many labels in American museums are in more than one language?
I'm a bit confused, Southerner and Richard, about the dictionary you suggest downloading for use with Google Translate. Is that a separate app supplied by Google, or another one that integrates with the camera translation?
It's an option within the Google Translate app. When you select the language you want Google Translate to translate FROM, the app will display a message "Translate even when you're offline by downloading an offline translation file". Click that download link to save the dictionary to your phone. Not all languages have a downloadable file. French yes, Basque no, for example.
I'm a bit confused, Southerner and Richard, about the dictionary you suggest downloading for use with Google Translate. Is that a separate app supplied by Google, or another one that integrates with the camera translation?
Whoops! Somehow I sent that post twice. Thank you, for the response. It answers my question.
A Scottish gentleman I met on my last trip was making great use of Google Translate. Not only to translate texts by taking a picture but using conversation mode to speak English into it, and have it say the same in French or hear French and translate to English. I decided I need to get more proficient with the app.
Yes English is the international language. But to say everyone who can afford to travel can speak it is not correct. As i witness every working day.
Thx everyone for great info
Karleku you crack me up