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Trains from Paris to Bayeux

We are trying to book train tickets from Paris to Bayeux on Tuesday, May 13, 2025 for 8 people. When we look at ticket availability for mid day (we land at GDC at 10:45am) they already seem to be fully booked. We thought that since the tickets just became available we would not have a problem. We are looking on the SNCF-connect site. Does this sound right or are we looking at it wrong? Do more tickets become available after they first come out? Should we be panicked?

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8296 posts

Looks like your doing something wrong
I see that you can book 8 seats on the 12:59 from The Paris Gare St. Lazare train station. There is no direct train service to Bayeux from CDG

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4106 posts

The usual advice is to allow four hours between ETA at CDG and the departure of a train from Paris. I am not sure that you will be able to land at 10:45 AM and catch a 1 PMish train from Paris, especially if you have to go through immigration and/or have checked luggage. There is a train at 1:56 and another at 2:59. The 2:59 is a direct train with no connections.

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6 posts

Thank you both for your response. You answered one question we had but didn't ask, and that is how long to allow to transfer from CDG to Lazare. 4 hours is the answer and I appreciate that. That 10:45 arrival was for just one of our 4 couples. The rest of us arrive at CDG about 7am. The other couple may just have to make their own way to Bayeux. Sorry I didn't mention that we knew we would have to get to the St. Lazare station to catch the train. We were a little panicked becasue at first we thought that when it said "only 2 seats left" that it meant 2 seats period. But as we played with the site, we figured out that was only 2 seats left at the special price. We've seen all the times now and think we can figure it out. Thanks.