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Train travel to Chamonix

Someone recently asked about train travel to Chamonix, but no one replied and the topic was closed. So here is my reply that I emailed to him for general benefit... And I might add that we tried to ask SNCF (train company) employees three separate times for the best way to take trains to and from Chamonix; no one could offer an easy solution, and the Chamonix assistant spent 30 minutes with us!



The topic was closed but I can tell you that trains between Chamonix and elsewhere are not as easy as Rick might have you believe. We just rode from Paris to Chamonix and the leg between Annecy and Chamonix actually had to be by bus. And that bus seemed to go via every roundabout between the two cities. I started counting after a while and got to 22 by the time we arrived. On the next leg of our stay -- to Arles -- we take a train (from Chamonix) to San Gervais, about 5 miles-- then two busses to Annecy then Lyon. Maybe there are trains instead, but that probably means far longer trips -- by several hours.

I doubt the people who talked about trains around Chamonix really tried to take them!

On the other hand, Chamonix is well worth the trip - especially offseason and if the weather is good by all means go up to Aguille du Midi.


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4140 posts

Sorry I missed that query , and am writing from Tallinn . Some rail journeys are a bit difficult to put together , so I hope this helps . Having actually traveled several times to and from Chamonix by rail ( and car ) , the most straightforward rail trip ( from Paris ) is TGV Lyria ( direction - Geneva ) to Bellegarde sur Valserine and change there to a TER train to Le Fayet - St Gervais . From there , the TER Mont Blanc Express to Chamonix .

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4140 posts

One other point , the computer tends to route this trip via Annecy for some reason , so putting it together the way I suggest requires a bit of map study and consideration of possible transfer points .