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Train transfer times in Perpignan

We will be traveling from Collioure to Paris. Many of the options require a transfer in Perpignan, but the transfer times in Perpignan are from 5-7 minutes! For example, a TER train to Perpignan and then a TGV INOUI onward to Paris. Is this even possible? Are the trains located right next to each other? We worry about missing our connection. We encounter the same problem traveling from Aix to Collioure. Thank you for guidance and for any more direct alternatives.

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Salvador Dali said that Perpignan station is the center of the universe, but in actuality, it is not a large place.
Therefore, assuming you do not have mobility impairments, such a connection is absolutely doable. Two comments, though:
- make sure to do a single booking for Collioure - Paris, that way if the TER is delayed you can take the next TGV without any discussion
- TER tickets are valid for the day: you can take an earlier one if you are worried