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Train tickets selling out a month in advance?

I will be landing at CDG at 10:45 am on Sat 30 Sept and want a train to Amboise. I don't think that I would be able to get to the 12:37 or 12:41 trains, but should be able to get the 14:18 tickets from Paris Montparnasse. This is the Gare Montparnasse, right? And I should be able to get there on time if we only have carry ons?

For the 14:18 train, it says there are only 7 tickets left, even though it is over a month away. Does this sound correct? I was in France last year this time and none of the trains were anywhere near full. Are the trains selling out early for a reason? Should i go ahead and get the 14:18 tickets?

Thank you for any advice.

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9816 posts

Hi, it doesn't mean there are only seven tickets left. It means there are only seven tickets left at that price.

You can consider it like buckets. Once they have sold all the tickets they planned to offer at that (cheaper) price, they will start selling tickets from the next bucket, which is a little more expensive -- and so on and so on.

Posted by
2056 posts

When it says "7 tickets left" it means" "7 tickets at this price". Once they are gone they start selling out of the next price bucket.

Have a look at tomorrow's trains, and you will see that there are tickets, but that they are more expensive.

Posted by
8198 posts

The rule of thumb for trains from Paris when arriving at CDG is 4 hours. This is slightly less but I too would risk it with carry on luggage (luggage is often slow at CDG). No guarantees but you probably make it. But when you cut it close you have to be sanguine about losing the ticket and buying a walk up. Some tickets can be exchanged at a small fee and so you could probably do that on your phone/on-line if things go sideways as long as you do it well before train departure. Check your ticket requirements to see how much advance warning you have to give to exchange. It took us 2 hours in Immigration in April.

then there is the cab line and the ride into town. You probably make it but it is possibly quite tight. And a late plane, very slow immigration or traffic jam could derail the plan.

Posted by
33 posts

Thanks for all of the information! I had no idea that it meant "only 7 at this price."

Last year this time, I took the same flight, landed at 10:45 and made it to Gare Saint Lazare just before 1:00pm.
They also had a "refundable" ticket option, so I will look into the rules for that.
I have a SNCF account and can download the app on my phone - does anyone know if the app lets me change tickets?

Thanks again for filling in my/the knowledge gaps about using a train.

PS Do you think that it would be safe for me to wait and buy the train ticket just before departure? Do these trains often sell out? Thanks again.

Posted by
45 posts

Re: "The rule of thumb for trains from Paris when arriving at CDG is 4 hours."

Our flight arrives on a Monday morning mid to late Sept '23. Does the fact that it is a Monday morning affect the anticipated wait time between arrival at CDG and the window of time to best book a train to our hotel?

Posted by
6658 posts

I have a SNCF account and can download the app on my phone - does anyone know if the app lets me change tickets?

I have the app and changed a TGV reservation on it, weeks ahead of time. No additional cost.

Posted by
2056 posts

Thanks for all of the information! I had no idea that it meant "only 7
at this price."

What site are you using to look at prices btw, because on the SNCF website it is explicitly states as such "7 seats left at this price".
Note also that to get to Amboise you travel on TER trains, and these do not sell out. There are also no seat reservations. This is local mass transit. SNCF does sell a limited number of discounted tickets on those routes, and these can sell out. But then you can still buy tickets at the normal walk-up faire.

Posted by
33 posts

Thank you for the additional replies. I usually use the SCNF site but sometimes the site shows trains for a particular day but when I go back to purchase the tickets, I no longer see the same train routes. So I also look at Rail Europe and others.