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Train Tickets - Paris to Barcelona

We have purchase a train ticket, Paris to Barcelona, two seniors on SNCF Connect.
On the confirmation email it reads: Make sure to bring your valid discount railcards with you.
Does anyone know what they are referring to?
Many thanks,

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7216 posts

Normally SNCF Connect does not let you buy railcard-discount tickets without providing the railcard number or forcing you to buy one.
Does your ticket / receipt say anything about a "Carte Avantage"?

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18 posts

Thanks…when I was ordering, they asked age…only category we fit into was the senior…so didn’t realize it was in fact a discounted ticket…they wasn’t any indication that we needed a discount ticket…will get to train station early , and see if I can ask there…

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18 posts

Double checked our tickets…I didn’t check the discount ticket box….so hopefully we’re good to go! But as I said above,we'll go early to double check.

Thanks again

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7216 posts

"going early" won't do anything: the lines are terrible.
Would you mind just copy-pasting the actual text of your ticket (you should be able to download a PDF)? Does it say "Avantage" anywhere?