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Train Stations: Gare de Lyon to Gare St. Lazare

Need recommedation: Traveling from Zurich TGV Lyria, arriving in Paris Gare de Lyon, and need to get to Gare St. Lazare to catch a SNCF train to Bayeux, Normandy. What is the best and quickest
way to reach Gare St. Lazare? Thank you.

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8814 posts

you are in luck The new 14 metro which is moderm and accessible and makes few stops across Paris directly ties Gare de lyon to Gare St. Lazare. The cost is 2.50 euro. You can either get a Navigo Easy to load the ticket on or you can load it on your phone. I don't do that so can't advise you on how to do that, but there is an app people download for it. You can search it out on line. Each person needs their own Navigo Easy card or phone.*

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47 posts

Hi Janet, thank you so much!! You are life saver. Metro 14. Good to know about the Navigo Easy card too, I believe this is what I will do as well. Do you happen to know how long it takes? I will try looking up the Metro too. Many thanks! Judi

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21710 posts

Trains go every 3 to 7 minutes during the afternoon week days and take 16 minutes.

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8814 posts

The 14 is great. WE are very old and always take cabs from the airport because we can no longer manager luggage up and down metro stairs. The 14 has elevators and escalators. We flew into Orly this fall from Florence and took the 14 from there across town to Pont Cardinet in the 17th. we used Navigo Decouverte montly passes and not taking a cab for that one trip paid for about 25% of each of our monthly passes.

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2732 posts

If you are not comfortable using the app:

This year they are still selling the T+ tickets at some places, and you can still use them. What will happen next year is anyone's guess. I hope they implement simple CC tap and go as is increasingly getting common elsewhere.

So on the train to Paris go to the bar car, and ask if they still have T+ tickets, and buy the number you need there.

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47 posts

Wengen, good to know about the possibility of asking about T+tickets, I will ask on the TGV Lyria. Thank you so much.