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Train or rental car from Normandy, to Mont St. Michel and then to Angouleme? Mileage calculator

Where can I find a mileage calculator for various travel between cities in France? We are leaving Paris on a Sunday morning, by train to Normandy and plan to see Mont St. Michel also, with arrival in Angouleme Monday night. Would train or rental car from Normandy be faster? We plan to be in Normandy just for the day, likely.

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8889 posts

For road travel:
This will give you routes, distances, times and costs (fuel + tolls). The times quoted assume absolutely no stops, so add 25% at least for re-fuelling, food and other stops.
For rial travel, SNCF (French National Railways).

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10 posts

We rented in 2013 from Normandy (Bayeux) and drove to Mont St Michel (MSM). It was a lovely drive. That's a decision you will have to make: scenic drives with stops at your leisure, or train...?
Double check your routes, as there may be toll roads that only take cash. I don't recall the road from Normandy to MSM having tolls, but anything can change at any time...

I just use Google Maps to calculate.

If you use Enterprise rental cars, check the policy in France for unlimited miles.