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Train from Poitiers to Bordeaux

I am a single female travelling into Poitiers on Ryan Air into Poitiers at 6:05 (18:05) on April 12. I need to go from Poitiers to Bordeaux. There are 3 trains available ...
-- 18:42
-- 19:54
-- 20:42

I can't risk 18:42. I am debating between the 19:54 and 20:42. A few questions that might help me decide ...
--- Is it difficult to get from the airport to the train station? Taxis that take credit cards available? Uber reliable?
--- Are some of the sites likely to be open after 6pm (assuming I get in around 6pm)?

Any thoughts to help with my decision on train time and what to do in Poitiers during my limited time are greatly appreciated.

Posted by
1699 posts

Just buy a ticket for the next train the moment you arrive at Poitiers station.

Posted by
6419 posts

Just buy a ticket for the next train the moment you arrive at Poitiers

That's not a good plan, since the next train might be full or very expensive.

Posted by
4885 posts

Poitiers airport has a website. Check there for taxi info. Google maps says the station is only 7 min by car from the airport.

Posted by
45 posts

I am travelling from Barcelona. I have no idea what is happening on April 12 in Bordeaux, but air prices are outrageous. I studied Google flights for 2 days and found this one which is reasonably priced.... even with the add-ons.

I have looked carefully at the 3 trains and think the later train is best since it is fastest. I don't want to chance booking when I arrive in Poitiers.

I checked the web page for the airport and it looks as though there is no problem with taxis ... but you never know since it is such a small airport. There seems to be a bus that travels once an hour. Fingers crossed for available taxis.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Posted by
6419 posts

If your plan is to travel from Barcelona to Bordeaux, my suggestion is to just take the train. It will be faster, easier and more comfortable. Probably cheaper as well. Flying via Poitiers sounds like a very complicated way to get to Bordeaux.

Posted by
45 posts

I have checked trains, planes, and buses. The price for a direct flight on Veuling is $200 (includes 1 checked bag). The price for the train was over $200 yesterday. I checked Air France and a one-way was over $1000 on their webpage!

The Barcelona direct to Poitiers is a great price ($55 including luggage) and I get to see Poitiers for a brief stop. I am putting a positive spin on it!

Posted by
6419 posts

I just checked the train prices, and on April 12 they are around €130-140, I don't think that's over $200. So where are you looking for train prices? And even if you have bought a cheap flight to Poitiers, you need to pay for the train from Poitiers to Bordeaux, the taxi in Poitiers and you need to get to the airport in Barcelona.

Posted by
207 posts

School holidays are in that timeframe, which may be why everything is higher in price.