Looking for suggestions as to purchasing two senior tickets to travel from Paris (staying near Notre Dame) to Monaco Monte Carlo, the first week of June. I am told to purchase tickets in advance to get the best reduced price for first class tickets. Suggestions please. Thank you.
There are no senior prices unless you have a senior card which I think costs about 50 Euro for the year and is thus not useful for tourists for the modest savings if they are only making a few trips.
To get to Monaco you can take the TGV to Nice and then change to a local train to Monaco. Some trains change in Antibes.
Look on SNCF. or Trainline.eu. sites to see your options and costs. Trainline is more user friendly; SNCF operates the trains.
Take the TGV and not the Ouigo budget train for such a long trip as seats on the Ouigo are miserable for long journeys.