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Tous app Contact Tracing

We were in Paris 12/25 and departed 1/1…. Walked everywhere and wore masks except to eat and in our hotel room … triple vaxxed and used Tous app everywhere..

Today we received a high risk contact trace event notice for 12/25…. We left France 1/1 with a negative test result 12/31

This is our only notification of a possible contact and it has taken 12 days to receive this information. We have had no symptoms during this Time and a negative test result 6 days after supposed contact.

I’m posting this as our experience but in my mind it it’s not timely information.

Wondering if others have had this experience?

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1751 posts

We had that experience, but it was much more timely. The day after we arrived home from Italy, changing planes in London, we received a notification from the UK National Health Service via both text and email) that we were close contacts of someone who had tested positive. I believe that the UK was requiring people entering to test on Day 2 at the time, so this notification was pretty much immediately, as far as I can tell.

We weren't too worried, because we figured the contact was most likely on our flight from Venice to London, as that was the one we had to fill out the UK tracking form for. We had worn KN95 masks for the entire flight and did not remove them at all. We purchased rapid tests (as our provincial government was testing only those who were symptomatic), just in case, and took them on Day 3 and Day 6--negative.

Anyway, I agree that 12 days is not at all timely. I wonder if it had to do with when the positive person tested.

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10778 posts

Sounds like someone on your flight over. Maybe they just got the info from the airline of who was sitting close by. All services are stretched thin. The important thing is that you are fine.

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4935 posts

When I got home I got a friendly little email from my county health dept. reminding me to self-test after 3 days or so and to self-isolate if I had any symptoms.

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9089 posts

phred, how did the county know you were gone?

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4097 posts

For BBL Where in Alberta did you find self-test kits? In Ontario they are hard to procure and the quick tests at pharmacies are relatively expensive.