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Tours in paris and hotel

On our way from Germany to the Netherlands we are stopping for 1 /12 days in Paris. I was wondering if anyone can recommend a Hotel very near the Eiffel tower? Also what would be a good tour to take to just get a first look of Paris in general? I love museums but we will not have time this trip. Anyone been to a good restaurant ? We are not bringing fancy clothing as we are in the Netherlands for a casual holiday afterwards. Yes I can google but I like advise from travelers that have been there. Thank you

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5154 posts

To find a place close to the ET, go to a site like You can filter for location (select ET, Champs de Mars,), and price.

For a quick overall tour of central Paris, look at one of the HoHo buses. Consider doing an evening cruise on the Seine.

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7209 posts

I'm guessing you have 1 1/2 days in Paris...meaning 2 nights? The area near Eiffel Tower is not that particularly interesting to me, but it does draw crowds of tourists to see the ET. Look at this map for Paris hotels:

If you confine yourself to a map from 3rd party booking websites you'll only see the hotels they offer. You want an overview of some the highlights and you want to have fun doing it then I'd recommend a bike tour. We always use the Bike About Tours but I know there are others to choose from. It's great fun, you see some of the great sights with interesting tidbits of commentary.

You want a great small unique restaurant with old world charm:

Don't know why you'd be worried about not having fancy definitely don't need them.

Posted by
1340 posts

Lots of tourists assume that the Eiffel Tower is in the center of Paris - it's not. Personally, it is not my most favorite part of the city. I recommend researching what you want to do most and finding a hotel that is centrally located for that.

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2147 posts

Hi Susanne, I love the 7th arrondissment and being so near the Eiffel Tower. I've stayed several times at the Hotel Londres Eiffel and recommend it. The hotel is minutes from the Eiffel Tower. The Tower lights up at dusk and "twinkles" on the hour for 5 minutes. Just beautiful!

For a nice Italian dinner, try Alfio at 43 avenue de la Bourdonnais, very near to above mentioned hotel.

The hop on hop off bus would give you a good overview of the city. Hope you have a wonderful time in Paris!

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8262 posts

Right now the immediate Eiffel Tower area is awful with the construction of the security perimeters and long diversions and barricades I would with so little time get a hotel in the center closer to Notre Dame rather than being stuck out in the seventh.

The Foxity 2 hour bus tour which gives you an overview of the city from the top of a bus is IMHO far better than the ponderous slow HOHO buses which are a terrible waste of time. If you want a bus overview -- get the two hour tour and then you have time to go do whatever specific thing is at the top of your list.

One advantage of being in the center is that being able to walk around Notre Dame lit up at night is really special. Of course watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle on the hour is also pretty cool but there are a number of good places to do that including Pont Alexandre and certainly Trocadero.

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11294 posts

Janet's point is important. If you are not actually going to the Eiffel Tower itself, stay well away, as the construction barriers mean it's very difficult to even walk around that area (I was trying to get to a metro station and gave up, as it would have been a 15 minute detour due to the barriers).

Posted by
332 posts

Thank you for the great ideas. No we are just staying 1 night but arrival will be early. A longer France trip will be in the future but I just wanted to see France a little and the tower. Yes we are trying to get in the tower. I very much prefer museums and also the country side but this is on my bucket list. In all honesty I rather go back to Italy Tuscany is stunning but my husband wants a relaxing time by the beach :) so Holland it is After reading some bad reviews I decided against the Foxity bus. Also the hotel suggested was full of bed bugs per some reviews so I stick with the hotel I found. But thank you :)