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Tour Eifell or...Eiffel Tower

Has anyone booked lunch at one of the restaurants to avoid some of the long lines? Le Jules Verne or 58 Tour Eiffel?

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5289 posts

Keep in mind that your restaurant reservation does not include a visit to the upper level(s), or to the summit, of the Eiffel Tower, so you'll need to book separate tickets for such.

Enjoy your time in PAris!

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782 posts

I had Dinner at 58 Tour Eiffel and it was excellent,we did the trip to the top on another day so we got the day and nignt views.The sunset was amazing at 10 pm looking west from our Seats while eating our Dinner.

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497 posts

We've had lunch at 58 Tour Eiffel. The food is okay, prices a little high, but the experience is worth it in my opinion.
In addition to lunch (with our granddaughters), we also had dinner at 58, just the two of us, on our first visit to Paris. We booked way in advance, had a great table by the window and saw the sunset while we were eating. Again, adequate meal, overpriced, and an unforgettable experience.
I think you probably know in advance if you're the kind of person who will be moved by the setting or the kind who will will focus only on the meal and price. Plan accordingly.