Looking for recommendations for highly recommended tours. We would love to see Provence, Normandy. We are just beginning to plan so not sure where to start. Do we travel by train and do local tours. Not interested in Monaco. Thanks.
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Pretty much the same as Italy but the food's not as good (others may disagree).
Are you aware that Normandy is all the way across the country from Provence?
What do you want from Normandy? The cheeses, Calvados and Cidre? The farms and rural life? Or the D-Day experience?
Same question about Provence... I see you don't want Monaco (sad, one of my favourite places in the southeast of France), but Monaco is quite some distance from Provence. Are you combining the Cote d'Azur (the Riviera) with Provence? What do you want from Provence? Sea or mountain? The food? Little villages or big towns and cities? Wine or Lavendar?
Which brings me to when and for how long? How many is "we"? And any mobility issues?
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As Nigel asks, are you confusing Provence with the Cote d'Azur (Riviera?). Monaco would be next to the Riviera, not Provence. Trains between Normandy and Provence would likely go through Paris, with a change of train stations in Paris. Also, any particular interests? And by Normandy are you referring to the region, or just the DDay sights there? Your answers will make it easier to make recommendations about tours, etc.
Honestly, I’m not familiar with France. My husband and I visited Italy last year on our own and we managed perfectly (loved loved the food). Traveling this time would be my two sisters, my husband and I. We are in our early 60s and in good shape! One of my sisters dreams about renting an ARBNB in Provence, taking cooking classes, drinking wine and then from there traveling to other areas. I just don’t know which towns/cities to travel to. Probably 12 to 15 days (at least 4 in Provence]. Any suggestions?