Should I arrange to have a car rental (3 weeks in Provence) that has a transponder to auto pay any tolls?
No. It's easy to pay tolls with cash and you probably won't spend much time on toll roads.
I spent 5 days driving around Provence exploring the small villages and countryside and pretty much stayed on the smaller roads. I think I only drove on toll roads a couple of times to or from the larger towns. I did perfectly ok with a bag of coins in the glove compartment of the car, never saw the need for a transponder. Look at a map of the toll roads in Provence (google it) and see if your itinerary puts you on a lot of toll roads. Most likely it will not.
Check out ViaMichelin it will shows how much tolls are.
Keep some cash handy, in smaller denominations. When I go to a French toll booth, I generally can use a card - eventually. I often go through every card, twice, before one is finally accepted. Occasionally, I'll get through everything twice and nothing works. Having cash, especially tens or smaller, is necessary.