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Hi, sorry to ask this question. This is something that we do here. It is an uncomfortable question. I wonder what is the norm in Paris? Do we round it off or just don’t tip when in a cafe or restaurant? Thanks.

Posted by
6521 posts

First, you should understand that generally tips are covered under the service charge you will pay. That said, because so many tourists tip now without thinking, many European servers have come to expect an extra tip from Americans. But it's much better if you don't. In the first article I linked to below, Rick said it best here:

Resist the urge to tip American-style. If your bucks talk at home, muzzle them on your travels. As a matter of principle — if not economy — the local price should prevail. Please believe me — tipping 15 or 20 percent in Europe is unnecessary, if not culturally ignorant. You're just raising the bar and messing up the local balance. And it's bad style.

Here are some posts and articles that should be helpful:

Posted by
6521 posts

Sally, you're welcome. I did just add a couple of comments to my post above. Hope you have a wonderful trip!

Posted by
1798 posts

Wait to hear from our French/expat to France forum members sally. They will certainly chime in.

Tipping is not a single thing across Europe. Though universally lower than the USA, custom varies from place to place.

Have a great trip :)

Posted by
773 posts

Here's that french resident's chime in you're waiting for:

In 15 years I have probably left less than €30 in tips - total. It's almost impossible to do on a credit card, and if you tip more than the price of a cup of espresso the receiver gets embarrassed.

Posted by
10230 posts

Dual US/ French, residing in France. We don't tip generally.
Exceptions: 15 ladies out for a luncheon, we left 1-2 euros each because we caused extra work. Exception #2: a regular barman, I signal to keep the change, 20 centimes.
The question is about France, not Europe.

Posted by
281 posts

Some restaurant servers will tell you that service isn't included. Don't be fooled. By law, is my understanding, that service included, no matter what they say.

Posted by
735 posts

Thanks. It happened to us years ago when we had lunch at a restaurant close to Vatican City - those with English menu.