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Time to plan for CDG

We are currently staying outside Chantilly. Our flight leaves tomorrow at 3:40pm. We need to return our Europcar rental at CDG.

The drive is approximately 35 minutes, so I will allow an hour. 😂How complicated is it to return the car and then get to our terminal?

Should we allow 3 hours at the airport? We are flying Delta.

Thanks for recommendations!

BTW, we rented out of Arras, France. We rented a manual, but were offered an automatic (hurrah!!) that requires diesel fuel. The fuel wasn’t an issue in Mosel or Luxembourg so we didn’t think much of it. However, diesel was only available in the big cities (Reims and Epernay) not in the small Champagne towns. We didn’t realize this until we needed fuel and had a white knuckle drive on the tollway to Troyes watching for a gas station. In the end, my husband had been quite cautious, so we determined at the station we had not been as close as we thought. Also, we’ve had no problems with credit cards anywhere we except gas stations were it seems that there is no rhyme or reason to which cc will be accepted.

This is about our 5th trip in France! Love it!!

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9813 posts

You definitely need three hours at the airport, certainly no less.

I don't have any guidance on returning a rental car at CDG, but I imagine it is a pain like most other things there !!!

Hope you have had a good visit.

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8194 posts

You want a receipt showing the car undamaged and gassed. This is not as easy in Europe as the US. Efficiency is not a factor at car rentals at CDG. I'd give it at least 90 minutes from your lodging. And yes you can easily need 3 hours at CDG. We have had it be quick through check in and security and have had it literally take every second of 3 hours. On one occasion we didn't even have time to visit the restroom in 3 hours. Be sure you are flight ready i.e. have all your paperwork and your boarding pass completed on line before you arrive; this may give you a faster check in line. It has done so on other airlines for us.

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7020 posts

For a 3.40 PM flight, I'd leave Chantilly at 11.00. Refuelling in Chantilly is fine, as you only have a 15 mile drive to the airport. Diesel shouldn't be scarce, your experience in Champagne was unusual.

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8194 posts

And keep your gas receipt; I have had to provide it to roll back a ridiculous gas charge in Europe.

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226 posts

We're staying in Chantilly for five days after our Morocco trip in a nice AirBnb on the canal. Any good reasonably priced restaurants you can suggest,bakeries etc?.

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6020 posts

Thanks everyone for the help!

To prevent obsessive stressing on the part of my husband, we left at about 10:15. We got gas and postcards in Senlis. Diesel indeed easy to find. We took A1 and then followed airport signs. Super busy on the roads/highways around the airport, but no big deal. Actually, the slow traffic made it extra easy to follow the signs for car return that were in French and English. It seemed like we were following signs forever but eventually and with little stress found car rental return down on a lower lever right next to Terminal 2. Located there was Sixt, Europcar, Avis, Hertz and others I can't remember. Car return with Europcar was pleasant. They looked at me with some amusement when I presented the gas receipt, dumped the floor mats, and video'd the car. "You are really, all good, Madame" (Yet, I still recommend saving the receipt and video before and after the rental.

No shuttle necessary! We walked to Terminal 2 (arrived at about 11:45), took the elevator up to arrivals and walked what seemed like forever to the Delta baggage drop. Delta lines were short, surrounding airlines very long. I would guess our lines were short because the Delta flights weren't leaving for a few hours.

Then the fun starts. CDG passport control had about half the booths manned. The line was long. People were freaking because they were going to miss flights. Some didn't allow 3 hours like they should have, some allowed what should have been adequate time. People late for flights were trying to cut thru people in line. Call me a pushover, or perhaps, kind, but if I'm not late, I let people thru. However, it was getting kind of nasty so we just ignored all the humanity.

Security lines were relatively short and staff was polite and helpful (It can be done, SeaTac!)

We got to our gate probably 45 minutes prior to boarding. My only gripe--I have a Delta Amex (15 years). I am enrolled in Skymiles (for like 35 years). And just, somehow, achieved Silver Medallion (which gets me next to nothing as far as I can see). Yet, we were supposed to board Main 3? This was a Delta flight. I asked the gate agent and she said none of that matters on international flights. We wanted to be sure to be able to stow our medium sized backpacks overhead, the flight full. Finally said, show your credit card and board with skypriority.

Quite stressfree. This was our first time returning our car in a large European city , let alone an airport. We thought it easier than many large U.S. airports.

@Daniel. This was about our 5th trip that included France. We love it (well, actually, we love most everywhere we go) We didn't spend a lot of time in France, we flew into Amsterdam and visited the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Mosel Germany and ended in France. We knew prices would be higher in those locations than places we've visited on our more recent travels, and they were. We've usually felt France was quite reasonable. Always have had great meals in France at every price point. Restaurant prices were higher than we were used to in Arras, Champagne area and Chantilly area. So, I'm not sure what your "moderate range" is. We always look for moderate, as well. We ate at places recommended by our BnB. I think some of her info may have been less than current. We ate at Le Jardin d'Hiver in Chantilly. It's located in a hotel. Food was excellent and we thought somewhat reasonably priced. What annoyed us was the pretentious staff, and the prices for beverages. My husband paid $9 for a small crappy beer and I chose an $8 rose.The tiny amount of rose was not good, and then we noted we were charged for the $12 glass of rose'. We didn't complain. I always appreciate the establishments that strive to provide a variety of beverage choices at a variety of prices. There is lots of great wine in France at reasonable prices. We know, we've been to most of the wine regions. At this restaurant, there were few choices, all expensive and no house wine.

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6020 posts

I'm verbose.

@Daniel, a restaurant we really liked was Le Carre' in Senlis, make a reservation. The waiter was so friendly and fun, there was live jazz music. The food was fabulous. They were out of lamb which bummed my husband, who ended up with a pasta with truffle, prosciutto, and Parmesan. Ingredients were all excellent and well prepared, but he had hoped for something a little more exciting and that we can't do at home. I was undecided and the waiter encouraged me to get the tuna. It was so good, probably the best tuna I've ever had. When we were pondering wine choices (nice variety) the waiter urged us to get the Cote du Rhone. It was quite good. We got 2/3 of a bottle and it was well priced.

I'd consider both of the restaurants "moderate", except for the wine and beer at Le jardin

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622 posts

Congratulations Jules on a relatively stress-free car return at CDG! My husband and I attempted to find an open gas station near the car return at CDG and then actually find the car return. We saw the signs which was great until there weren't any more. We made several behind a gate at one point. We were scheduled to return the car by 10:30 PM. It was 10:25 PM when we finally found a car rental return (not Europcar). We helpful people there told us how to get to the Europcar return. Which we did. They were closed. We then asked around until we found someone who told us there was a main office and we could try to find the Europcar people there. Which we did. At long, long last! I don't think I could remember how we finally got to the car return as it was so convoluted. Are there any tips you can offer such as always stay to your left unless other wise directed? That may be an unwritten (or written, for all I know) rule. Anyway, glad your car return was pretty straightforward. And it does give me hope for a possibly easier return in the future.

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963 posts

Jules m, I hope you are going to write a trip report. You always have such great insights!

Wonderful that you had such a great time!