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The Trocadero in Paris

Has anyone visited the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine? Worth the time? I'm interested but I'm planning a trip for a group.

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12313 posts

I think I may have been there once with a museum pass a while ago. If so, it wasn't memorable. Maybe they didn't take the pass, so I skipped it? Virtually any museum/gallery will interest some and not others. If it seems interesting and matches the interests of your group, check it out.

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7259 posts

It totally depends on the current exhibition, whether it interest you or not. The permanent exhibition is quite forgettable.

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577 posts

Since the fire at Notre Dame they have had exhibits on Notre Dame and the restoration quite often. I’ve been to 2 of them and they were both very worth while.

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190 posts

I went a few years ago and was quite impressed by the main exhibit, which is plaster casts of major features of buildings all over France up to 1900. The exhibits on 20th and 21st century buildings are more variable and it depends on what's on when you visit.

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14544 posts

I agree with Carol and Balso. Check to see what the current exhibition is for your time frame. Forum Member Sharyn mentioned to me a couple of years ago that they were displaying the statues that from the spire at Notre Dame (they had been removed right before the fire for restoration/cleaning so were safe from the conflagration and collapse). That was really spectacular! I also agree that the permanent collection was less than interesting. It also is a museum that, to me, always feels hot. There are great views of the Eiffel Tower from there. I would probably not take a group there unless they were specifically interested in the collection of plaster casts.

It is covered by the Museum Pass. I see from the Museum Pass site it says reservations are required but really, I've never been there when it was crowded so maybe that notice is just for the time of the Olympics and Paralympics. Perhaps if you were taking a group you'd want to do a reservation, though.

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257 posts

Thanks to everyone for their comments. It helped me to decide not to go with our group.
I might do it later on my own.