Please sign in to post. in English?

I’m back! My card is dematerialized and visualized. Now, I would so appreciate having it in English. Possible?

Otherwise, if I use I do get English and see my card with not so good photo is there. Maybe I’m just worrying too much, but I’m one of those people that doesn’t like to hold staff up from getting their job done because I can’t quickly access what they need to see. Then I get flustered and cranky!!

With trenitalia, which I am far more familiar with, tickets were downloaded to Apple Wallet and off we’d go. Another difference, I can read and understand most written Italian. French is quite another story.

Anymore info any of you have for better access or let me know I just need to get past this and believe it will work without hiccups-at least not a lot of hiccups-please chime in.

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8693 posts

Chime in with what? I'm not sure what you are trying to do. The URL you gave leads to a domain registrar so I'm not why you put that in, as it goes nowhere.

Is there something here I'm missing?

Posted by
739 posts

Wow! Looks like all of you think I was asleep when I posted. I assure you I was not!

Mardee- SORRY! It is the wrong url-should be Takes me to the site in FRENCH!

Joe- Evidently you have never purchased a card of any type to use on French trains or you would know they use the terms “dematerialize and visualize”. Their terms, not mine. Has to do with not offering a card they have to produce? Everything on line somehow, somewhere. In FRENCH! Visualize I believe is uploading a photo. Therefore, those two items have been completed. I still want a site in English please.

Aussie Nomad- Yes. Sometimes I may get the site in English, but not always. Might be confused because I did download the only app I could find for inoui- It’s in French!

I really want to know which of the many sites that sncf uses will always guarantee English or at least give me the choice to change to English. Believe me, I’ve been trying to narrow this down and I’m getting nowhere.
sncf-connect in it’s many guises does not always give English as a choice.
As I mentioned before, if I go to, the site is English. Hurray! My concern is purchasing and uploading tickets without having to rely on hard copies. I’m concerned that it isn’t possible to get tickets uploaded in any way on that site. Is it? IS IT the ONLY site I should use? Back to chime in if I dare ask.
It’s too early for me to purchase tickets as our trip isn’t until late September.

As I’m currently studying Italian and the German I know gets in the way of that as does Spanish, I do not think adding French lessons to the mix will have very positive results. My husband will be the French speaker. No, it isn’t always convenient to have him translate as I’m working through these concerns.

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7355 posts

Otherwise, if I use I do get English and see my card with not so good photo is there.

I guess you're all set then? Don't worry anyway, you will not need to show it - your ticket will be enough. Since "dématérialisation" I never have to show my discount cards.

Posted by
12252 posts

You are correct. I have not been to France and it would appear my prospect of my figuring out how to buy a ticket for a French train is zero.

My apologies for not knowing what "dematerialized and visualized" means.

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10851 posts

You don't have to upload tickets. When you buy a ticket, it appears magically in the space that says tickets or billets. Your card number is loaded into the app. Although I live in France, my app is mostly in English, I think. I never looked until now. Go figure. I have no idea how it happened. It's going to work--even if it's not what you are used to with an Apple Wallet. And you have plenty of time to learn the words that you don't recognize.

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739 posts

OK. Think I’m satisfied now, thank you all, that the system will work and we are good to go once we purchase our tickets.

Bets and Balso-thank you. Was hoping both of you might post since you are ‘locals’.

We will be purchasing 2 long segments on TGV trains, one of which will have a NOMAD train (Bayeux). Then we have at least 3 other shorter segments that we can wait to do once there. I specifically wanted to have the Carte Advantage Senior as next spring we will also be purchasing from Moutiers to Torino. We will definitely get good use of the cards, so we appreciate the ability to even obtain them.