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TER train to Rouen; need to exchange email with QR code for actual ticket?

I booked a ticket for myself and my husband from Gare Saint-Lazare to Rouen and received an email which, when I clicked through, brought me to a page with Mon Billet and a QR code for each of us. I know the page says this is my ticket but is it really or must I go to a machine to retrieve my actual ticket? I ask because I ran into this a few years back at the TGV station in Avignon and was told at the last minute that I needed to find the "white machine", put in my information and thus retrieve an actual ticket. Something similar happened another time when I received what I thought was the actual ticket via email but had to exchange it for an actual ticket at a railway station. Just trying to avoid additional last-minute stress and not miss the train any advice would be most welcome.

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829 posts

The email attachments (assuming there are attachments) are your tickets. Otherwise the email itself with the QR code is your ticket. I usually print the email/tickets because I am a belt and braces person.

You can, however, just show the QR code(s) on your phone

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8816 posts

I don't think you can actually retrieve a ticket at a machine; at least when I was traveling to and from Annecy last year, the email actually said that tickets could not be printed at the station. I just used the QR codes on the phone. If I have access to a printer, I also print them, but you don't need to do so. Usually there is a gate that reads the code to let you onto the platform.

Sometimes a conductor will check tickets; sometimes they are very thorough and want to see passports and such but that is rare. The only time this has happened for us in a long while was when I was doing a day trip to Nantes with my granddaughter who was 12. for some reason they insisted on seeing her passport to make sure the ticket was hers. Often there is no conductor ticket at all.

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656 posts

Thank you everyone! Skunklet: yes, I do have the app and I just figured out how to retrieve the QR codes (much thrashing as I'm not very good at tech). Many thanks for the encouragement.
Simon and Janet: I, too am a belt and braces person. And I do seem to remember something about not being able to print them at the station.
So now I have printed out the attachments with QR codes, and have QR code photos on my photos app as well as sent to my phone's messages and email apps. I think this qualifies me as a belt & braces neurotic person!