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Taxi from Gare de l'Est to Gare Saint-Lazare?

Hello, This coming May I will be taking a train from Mannheim Germany to Caen and I will need to have transportation from Gare de l'Est to Gare Saint-Lazare. Using Rome2Rio app it shows that Taxi is by far the fastest way to get to one station from the other. I realize it is more expensive, but if I can really get there in 5 minutes like the app says, it will be worth it to us since we'll split the cost.

Don't know if time of day makes a difference, but we will arrive at Gare de l'Est around 10:40 am.

The big question is, are there many or any Taxis waiting at the stations or will we be needing to call for one?

If we need to call and wait for a Taxi to arrive, then it may be best to just plan on another way of getting Gare Saint-Lazare.

Thank you for any help and information you can give.

Posted by
3400 posts

Back in 2019, we had no trouble getting a taxi from Gare de l'Est to Gare Saint-Lazare. Worst case scenario - it's a 10 minute walk, and you're there in broad daylight. But I would just as soon take a cab.

Posted by
20977 posts

RATP estimates 15 minutes. You can use the Metro in 16 to 18 minutes, but it requires a transfer from the No 7 to the No 3 at Opera. With a lot of luggage transfers can be tricky as there will be stairs involved.

Seat61 says

There's a well-organised taxi rank on the station forecourt in front of the station. Even if the queue looks long, it moves fast and it won't take much more than 10 minutes to get into a taxi.

Don't try to walk it. It is almost 2 miles to walk it. RATP estimates a 34 minute walk.

Worst case scenario - it's a 10 minute walk

Not hardly, maybe 10 minutes to Gare du Nord, but certainly not to St Lazare. Again, RATP estimates a 34 minute walk.

Posted by
6713 posts

I expect it would be more than ten minutes' walk, and not an easy one with luggage. But you'll find taxis waiting at the station. Look for signs telling you where to get one, and don't accept a ride from someone who approaches you. I don't know what the fare would be, but probably not too much and certainly more convenient with bags than using the Metro or RER. Five minutes is a very optimistic time estimate, I'm sure it will take longer, but still probably faster than any alternative.

Paris by Train explains everything. Scroll down to "Train Stations" to find maps, photos, and much more about both stations you'll be using.

If you're concerned about missing a particular train from GSL to Caen, don't worry. They're frequent and don't take reservations anyway, no need to buy an advance ticket.

Posted by
33509 posts

Rome2Rio is, as is so often true, wrong.

Posted by
2402 posts

GDE to GSL is easiest using RER E. Just one stop, and as this is Paris' most recent RER line the stations are modern, spacious and have escalators and elevators. I would take that over the Metro.

Tickets for the "NOMAD" TER trains to Caen do come with a reservation, but you can buy them on the spot at the station from one of the ticket machines.

Posted by
16069 posts

When you get off the train, follow the signs to the taxi rank. There will be taxis. I've gotten them there.

Do not let anyone offer you a ride from anywhere but the taxi stand.

And as stated, the Rome2Rio app is quite often wrong or missing information. The taxi will take between 15 and 20 minutes plus there could be a small wait in line for the taxi.

The metro might be faster but it does involve a change and lugging your bags. It will also be cheaper. But the taxi is easier.

Posted by
7268 posts

Taxis are hassle-free at Gare de l'Est. Walk out to the front, they are right there. No scamming reports unlike at Gare du Nord.

The RER E is a bit of a hassle because you have a 10-min walk to get to the RER station and it is not obvious for the uninitiated: the shortest route sends you up two flights of stairs on rue d'Alsace. It would be my choice only if travelling light.

Posted by
76 posts

I want to thank everyone for your help.

With all the major stuff for this 1 month trip complete, I'm now working out the smaller details and your help and information really eases my mind.

Rome2Rio, I have read some warnings and concerns, so I have been looking at it in just a general sense to get an idea of what options I have for getting from point A to point B. For actual Train Schedules I have been using the DB app.

Most of my Train Travel seems fairly straight forward and a couple hours long, but my trips from Mannheim to Caen and then Caen to Munich being 6+ to 8+ hours each, I really want to make sure I get them right the 1st time.

When is the earliest I can book my Train? The Gare Saint-Lazare to Caen leg is not available yet on DB site for early May 2024 and says "Unfortunately we cannot offer you any ticket for this part of the journey."

We are planning on the 07:37 ICE 9568 from (Mannheim to to Paris Est) and 11:59 TER 3339 (Paris St Lazare to Caen) and the DB site says that both trains are "Subject to compulsory reservation" ....... I'm confused about the reservation thing. Do I need a reservation or not? We are traveling 1st Class and I really want to have a Window Seat. I would really hate to not have a reservation and then discover on the train that I really needed one.

EDIT: I almost forgot and I don't know if this makes a difference for anything or not, but we will be using 1st Class Eurail Global Passes for Mannheim to Caen and for Caen to Munich.

What is difference between Coach and Open Compartment and which would be better for viewing the scenery?

This is my very first time traveling by train (I've never bought a train ticket before ;-) ) and I want to get things right the first time.

I assume that during my return trip from Caen, Gare Saint-Lazare will also have Taxis available as well?

Thanks again for all of your help

Posted by
10035 posts

RATP is the Paris transit authority.

RER is the abbreviation of the Paris suburban rail network.

So the RER E is a rail line that goes from outside Paris, crosses Paris,.and goes out Paris in the other direction. It just so happens to coincide with running between Gare de l'Est and Gare St Lazare. But as Balso pointed out, if you are not familiar with using the public transit system in Paris, taking the RER can feel a bit complicated.

Posted by
33509 posts

EDIT: I almost forgot and I don't know if this makes a difference for anything or not, but we will be using 1st Class Eurail Global Passes for Mannheim to Caen and for Caen to Munich.

Then you don't need tickets, just mandatory pass holder reservations - they won't be cheap but you are way too early to get them.. As soon as you do the flexibility, you paid so much for by using the Eurailpass, is gone

You can only use your Eurailpass on some sections of the RER, and to use it where you can you will need a CONTREMARQUE DE PASSAGE available from the RER booth.

Posted by
11728 posts

For the record-- Rome2rio does NOT indicate 10 minute walk between the stations. It shows it as a 36 min walk

It was that Olympic competitor ( speed walking event?) , Estimated Prophet, who made the 10 minute comment.

R2R does have its failings, but blaming them for something they did not do is not helpful.

Posted by
3400 posts

Estimated Prophet, who made the 10 minute comment...

Yes. It was me. And I subsequently acknowledged my mistake. I see that post was deleted, probably for saying "Pardon the hell outta me". Gotta keep the airways clean, I guess.

Posted by
76 posts

Thank you Kim for your explanation, I now understand.

Then you don't need tickets, just mandatory pass holder reservations -
they won't be cheap but you are way too early to get them.. As soon as
you do the flexibility, you paid so much for by using the Eurailpass
is gone

You can only use your Eurailpass on some sections of the RER, and to
use it where you can you will need a CONTREMARQUE DE PASSAGE available
from the RER booth.

Thank you Nigel, I understand that we will lose flexibility on the Mannheim to Caen & Caen to Munich runs if we book early, but since these are such long trips, we really want to lock them in early to assure that we make our destinations on time. We will be picking up a rental car in Caen and we are hoping to spend a few hours there before driving to a rental house in Bayeux.

Our trains from Mannheim to Caen and then Caen to Munich will all be ICE or TER and while in Paris we will get Taxis to get us from one station to the other, so I don't believe we will be using RER. The cost of these 2 train trips alone are more than half the cost of our 5 day Global Eurail Passes and when we hit Munich for 12 days, we plan on using the passes for more traditional/flexible trips.

Question If there is a problem with a train (or strike or ???) going to Caen or Munich and it causes us to miss our connecting train, will we be able to catch the next train or are we stuck with buying another ticket?

Question How many days in advance can we reserve the Mannheim/Caen & Caen/Munich trips?

Question Rental Cars In Caen. It appears that Rental Car Businesses in Caen open @ 08:00 and the train we would like to catch going to Munich leaves at 07:59 ----- Does anyone know if any or possibly all of the Gare de Caen Car Rentals allow pre-opening hour car rental drop offs? We have been hoping to use Budget, but we find nothing about key drop off, no email address and attempts to contact them directly is frustrating. We click on their website and it links us to a Budget hours away in Anger (appropriate name for this ;-) )

Thanks again to everyone for your help

Posted by
7268 posts

Have you bought the passes yet?
If not, maybe wait until regular ticket sales open and you can check prices. It'll almost certainly be cheaper than Eurail.

Also, AFAIK there is no way to use Eurail passes to book the Paris-Caen leg. Reservations are mandatory, yet the Normandy regional train booking system is not able to sell passholder reservations online. You have to do it at the station in Paris; I do not know if you can use ticket machines though. Happy to check next time I pass through St Lazare!

EDIT: WengenK kindly confirmed that ticket machines can sell those reservations. All good, then. The trains to Normandy almost never sell out.

Posted by
76 posts

Have you bought the passes yet? If not, maybe wait until regular
ticket sales open and you can check prices. It'll almost certainly be
cheaper than Eurail.

Also, AFAIK there is no way to use Eurail passes to book the
Paris-Caen leg. Reservations are mandatory, yet the Normandy regional
train booking system is not able to sell passholder reservations
online. You have to do it at the station in Paris; I do not know if
you can use ticket machines though. Happy to check next time I pass
through St Lazare!

Yes, We did buy them.

I'm sorry, but I am confused about this.
Checking the Global Pass Rail Planner for February (unable to check May), St Lazare to Caen is on TER 3339, so it gives the impression that the Global Pass is good for this train.

It sounds like I can reserve the train from St Lazare to Caen, but I will need to wait until I get to Paris to purchase the Reservation?

Can I purchase the reservation at any train station in France or am I required to do it only in Paris? If need be, it looks like there is an option for my trip to Cologne from Amsterdam to go through France if need be.

When leaving Caen for Munich, I assume that the reservation situation will be the same going to Paris. Will it be the same going to Munich from Paris?

Thank you for your help and if you could check at St Lazare it would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by
2402 posts

Can I purchase the reservation at any train station in France or am I
required to do it only in Paris?

You should be able to buy it at any major station in Europe basically. Or on line.

Don't overthink this. It is train travel, not space travel. Just buy a ticket Mannheim to Paris with DB, and Paris to Caen with SNCF. If you miss your connection due to late running you just go on the next train. Never ever should you have to open your wallet because the railway messed up.

Note that you do not need to "lock in" rail travel months in advance. You would probably be able to buy a ticket Mannheim - Caen at the station in Mannheim for departure tomorrow morning right on the spot. Do not get a Eurail Pass. That only makes things more complicated.

Posted by
2402 posts

Also, AFAIK there is no way to use Eurail passes to book the
Paris-Caen leg. Reservations are mandatory, yet the Normandy regional
train booking system is not able to sell passholder reservations
online. You have to do it at the station in Paris; I do not know if
you can use ticket machines though.

Last summer I needed to be in Normandy, and I was meeting a sailboat, so would only know at the last moment which port I would have to go to. I would then return later from the Netherlands visiting relatives in Belgium on the way. So for this trip I actually did get an Interrail pass, so could find out how it worked.

I basically travelled to Strasbourg on a TER from Basel, and then in Strasbourg just got me a TGV reservation and a TER reservation to (in this case Cherbourg) from a ticket vending machine. The function is a bit hidden. You have to first select "other services" I believe and then "interrail reservations". That also applies if you have an Eurail Pass. Cost was only 1.50 for the TER, and 10,- for the TGV.

For last minute travel I often get an Interrail pass, as there it can indeed be advantageous. But if you are the kind of person that wants to have everything booked and organised weeks in advance do not bother with a pass.

Posted by
33509 posts

Question If there is a problem with a train (or strike or ???) going to Caen or Munich and it causes us to miss our connecting train, will we be able to catch the next train or are we stuck with buying another ticket?

You don't need a ticket - you have your pass (too bad you got it so early, but lets deal with it) - all you need are your mandatory pass holder seat reservations (you pay separate fees for each leg's fee)...

So - no new ticket, yes new reservations

Posted by
76 posts

Thank you once again Nigel and WengenK,

I spent a few hours online and there are a whole lot of posts about Paris to Caen and surprise! Eurail site is loaded with them.

Let me make sure I have this right Eurail Pass is good from Mannheim to Caen and Caen to Munich, I just need to get my Reservations at any SNCF Ticket Machine and this Reservation will get me through the gate at St Lazare. Right?

It appears that I will need 1st Class Reservations for Mannheim to Paris, St Lazare to Caen, and for trip to Munich I need 1st Class Reservations for Caen to St Lazare, Paris Est to Stuttgart Hbf and no Reservation from Stuttgart to Munich. Does this look accurate?

Is it possible that the Mannheim to Paris reservation can be handled in Mannheim or will I need to go to France to buy the reservation before the Mannheim-Caen trip? EDIT: I believe that I found this information on the Eurail Planner. When planning from Mannheim to Caen it gives me the option to purchase Reservation for Mannheim to Paris for 22euro, but not St Lazare to Caen.

I land in Amsterdam late April, then travel to Cologne, then Mannheim, then Early May travel to Caen, then Munich. I have 2 opportunities to get to an SNCF Ticket Machine before the trip from Mannheim to Caen. 1) Take 4 hour trip from Amsterdam through France and to Cologne. 2) Short Trip from Mannheim to Lauterburg France using D-Ticket (we will have D-Tickets for April and May). Any opinions on which option would be best?

When leaving Amsterdam for Caen, my friend will be Leaving Amsterdam for Hamburg and other Northern Germany cities and we will meet again in Mannheim 36 hours before the trip to Caen. He will not have any reasonable opportunity to get to France before we board the train for Caen. Can I buy/make my friend's reservations at the same time I make mine? Are the reservations tied to a specific ticket or does it just reserve a seat and you show your Pass and Reservation if asked?

Thanks again for your help

Posted by
2402 posts

One issue when making reservations for French trains via Eurail is that they slap a 10,- euro charge on each one. The reservation from Paris to Caen is only 1,50, but becomes then 11,50. So doing it in France is easier.

So what you could do is just get at least the Mannheim to Paris reservation at the earlier opportunity. If you trip starts in Amsterdam, just go to the International ticket office there, and get the reservations you need. If you can't get the Paris - Caen in advance you can just get it at the station in Paris.

Don't overthink this to much. If you are going ahead with using an Eurail Pass know that this is intended to be flexible. The Eurail Pass is the wrong product for people who want to lock everything in in advance. It is for people who just fly to Europe, and arrange the details once on the ground here.

Posted by
76 posts

One issue when making reservations for French trains via Eurail is
that they slap a 10,- euro charge on each one. The reservation from
Paris to Caen is only 1,50, but becomes then 11,50. So doing it in
France is easier.

So what you could do is just get at least the Mannheim to Paris
reservation at the earlier opportunity. If you trip starts in
Amsterdam, just go to the International ticket office there, and get
the reservations you need. If you can't get the Paris - Caen in
advance you can just get it at the station in Paris.

Don't overthink this to much. If you are going ahead with using an
Eurail Pass know that this is intended to be flexible. The Eurail Pass
is the wrong product for people who want to lock everything in in
advance. It is for people who just fly to Europe, and arrange the
details once on the ground here.

Thank you WengenK

So in Amsterdam at the International Ticket Office the Reservation will only be 1,50 for Mannheim to Paris instead of 22,00 and from Paris to Stuttgart Hbf for only 1,50 ?

Most likely at Amsterdam International Ticket Office I will not be able to purchase seat reservation for St Lazare to Caen & Caen to St Lazare, correct?

If I decided to take the trip to Lauterburg, France to use the SNCF Ticket Machine, would I be able to purchase the St Lazare to Caen and Caen to St Lazare reservations for my friend and I if I do not have his Pass with me?

We really have a lot depending on getting to Caen on time, including our car rental. If we get there late and the rental is closed, we will have some problems.

Thanks again