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Switching trains in Strasbourg (to Colmar)

We are taking a train from CDG to Strasbourg and have 8 minutes to transfer to train to Colmar (technically 6 minutes as it says we have to board before 2 minutes of departure). Is this doable? Is there a way to view which platform our one train arrives and from which platform the other departs? This is eticketed and for June 20th.

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23548 posts

Duplicate posting and question. Question well answered in the Swiss section.

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20955 posts

Assuming the connecting train to Colmar is a TER. Looks like there is another TER 30 minutes later. If you were to miss it, just take the next one. I would assume that the original connection would be prevalidated since you are transferring from a TGV, so you may have to get the next connection "approved" by a train official. Should not be a problem.

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33457 posts

actually this question isn't answered in the Swiss Forum.. That was for a connection in Basel from the TER platforms to the SBB platforms.

This question is about a connection in Strasbourg.

For hreeser, you need to board 2 minutes before departure onto the TGV to Strasbourg from the airport. That requirement doesn't apply for the TER you are connecting to in Strasbourg - nevertheless don't dawdle, but don't worry - there will be additional trains to Colmar.

Best to study the train using videos and hints by the author of this website, Rick Steves and have a look at what the Man in Seat 61 says about French trains. There are also youtubes of both Strasbourg and Basel stations...

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4749 posts

I was at Strasbourg station 4 months ago, it's small. You should have no trouble making connections. It's pretty lean on waiting rooms and amenities, FWIW, but there's a very impressive glass facade attached to the outside.