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Strike in France Jan 19

Social movement on Thursday, January 19, 2023
Following a notice calling for a day of interprofessional strike on Thursday January 19, the RATP foresees very disrupted traffic on the RER and Metro networks.
Traffic will also be disrupted on the surface network (Bus and Tramway).

The RATP invites all travelers who have the possibility to favor teleworking or to postpone their trips on the network that day and apologizes for the planned transport conditions.

See the latest news

METRO Very heavily disrupted traffic
Normal traffic with risk of saturation on the lines:METROLigne1 METROLigne14

1 train out of 2 at peak times and 1 train out of 4 at off-peak hours on the line METROLigne4with risk of saturation.

Very disrupted traffic on the lines: METROSimilar to 2 METROLine3 METROLine3bis METROLigne5 METROSimilar6 METROLine7 METROLigne 7bis METROLine9 METROLigne12 METROLigne 13 , some open only at peak times and, for some, partially operated.

Traffic interrupted on the lines: METROLigne8 METROLigne10 METROSimilar to 11
A precise information will be made tomorrow.

RER (RATP zone): very disrupted traffic
RERRERA: On average 1 train out of 2 at peak times and 1 train out of 4 at off-peak times. The times of the first departures will be around 5:25 a.m. to 5:50 a.m. depending on the branch. At the end of service, the last visit to Châtelet is scheduled for 9 p.m. The precise opening and closing times of the stations will be displayed locally.
Interconnection maintained at Nanterre Prefecture.

RERRERB: On average 1 train out of 2 at peak times and 1 train out of 3 at off-peak times. The precise opening and closing times of the stations will be displayed locally.
Interconnection interrupted at Gare du Nord.
BUS Disturbed traffic
On average, 2 out of 3 buses will circulate on the entire network. A precise information will be made tomorrow.

Normal traffic on the Noctilien network.
TRAM Disturbed traffic
Traffic disrupted on all lines with an average of 3 out of 4 trams but disparities depending on the line. A precise information will be made tomorrow.
A major passenger information plan

RATP mobilizes all of its distribution channels to provide passengers with the most accurate information possible in real time.
The company's customer service is also mobilized to answer customer questions.

Information available on the Île-de-France Mobilités website and app, on, the Bonjour RATP app, line Twitter accounts, in-station screens, SMS, emailing, sound messages broadcast in stations and stations.
See the latest news

I copied this from the RATP website.

Posted by
10831 posts

In these situations, publicly owned museums are closed, too. Private ones may be open if employees can arrive to work.
Expect snarled traffic.

Posted by
15153 posts

Thanks for posting Kateja! And also for the input from others.

Glad I am missing this but it's a reminder to allow some flex time for travel this year since Kim confirms it will affect trains and planes.

Posted by
3 posts

Yeah I gave my niece on vacation in Paris a heads up on the Jan 19 nationwide strike a few days ago. Looks like they have/had plans & reserved entry & tour for 9:30a at Chateau de Versailles and their email & website is mentioning about the strike disruption and opening is now at 10:30a.

I referred her, if they're still going, for specific train line info to go to the metro/rail websites

and their mobile apps: RATP Bonjour , SNCF, and Île-de-France Mobilités

Will be interesting to see what my niece and friends will do. I hope they just take the loss from the Museum Pass or whatever they booked and spend their final day in Paris before going home on the 20th.

By the way, future France pension-related strikes planned for the next few weeks are Jan 26-27, Feb 6-8.
(Source, paywall after certain amount of website visits):

Posted by
93 posts

19 Jan '23-----6:30 pm report on France 24: 400,000 people on streets of Paris protesting pension reform. Anxious to see what will occur during the Steves Best of Paris beginning 12 Feb '23. ab

Posted by
10499 posts

There may well be no effect at all on RS Tour of Paris in February. There are lots of parts of the city where you could be today and, unless you needed to get on public transport, not have any idea there was a strike or protest going on. And if an RS tour does need to run while there is a strike or protest, I am sure it will be far from the first time. They will know how to adapt and adjust accordingly.

Posted by
15153 posts

Alan, I 100% agree with Kim. The RS guides are seasoned professionals and are all used to working around any kind of protest or strike. Many (most??) of the ones for the France tours live in France and deal with this on a personal level as well.

You might have to walk more than you anticipate so if the weather is nice where you are I'd beef up my walking plan over the next few weeks.

We'd love for you to do a trip report when you get back!