Hi, have spent ages looking for something and no luck. We are looking to leave our camper van (small VW type) in Strasbourg for 3 weeks while we go and cycle the Danube in July/August. Seems like there is lots of parking for smaller (lower that 1m80) vehicles, but not much reasonably priced for something a bit bigger. The park and ride would end up over 400 Euros, the airport is an option I guess, but would be nice if we could find something nearer the station. Any ideas? I'd like to book before...
You might try looking at one of the metro stations at the periphery of Strasbourg. We parked our (regular size) car there and took the metro (tram) into downtown Strasbourg and it worked out fine. But I did not notice if they has parking for any larger vehicles like a camper. Peter
There is a world of difference between parking a vehicle at a park & ride for a day and parking for 3 weeks.
I'd look for long term lots in Kehl, Germany and taking the tram or train into Strasbourg.
That’s the conclusion that I was coming to Sam, thank you for that. Kehl is on the train line to triberg where our ride starts so it does make sense. The only problem I found was that information on long term parking in kehl is more scant than Strasbourg- all I could find was a comment on a post that said something along the lines of “there is some parking somewhere near the aldi”!
You're not going to find much in the way of parking because you have an oversized vehicle and you want to park it in the high season. If you leave it on a street or in a market parking lot you will get a ticket and very possibly a tow. That's in both France and Germany. There are long term parking places in most of the major cities, usually near the airports, but they are not cheap.
Are you camping elsewhere? if so, leave the camper there, and take the train to Strasbourg (or wherever). Bike can be taken on the train. And that's much cheaper than trying to find a valid parking place. Barring that, park it at a local campground closer to where you plan to start riding. Yes, it will cost money. That is, unfortunately, part of the expense of dragging a camper around.
I gave a suggestion in your Kehl post
Thanks KGC, we had considered closer to the start of our ride, it just makes the train journey and then drive home afterwards longer. If we don’t find anything else we can park at the airport, I just wanted to see if anyone else had any better ideas.
If you're making a one way bike ride let me suggest you leave the camper at an airport like Stuttgart or Strasbourg or Basel and then fly back from your final destination. The airports do have long term parking, although it may be a bit more difficult with a camper. You could also arrange to have your bikes shipped direct home if you're not planning any further rides.