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Staying in Saint Denis

I reserved an AirBnB for my family of 5 in December. It's located in Saint Denis, and I've been reading conflicting posts about it - but they're all old posts. Can someone give me an updated opinion on safety, family friendly, etc?

9 Rue Michel Faraday appartement 225 , étage 2, Saint-Denis, Île-de-France 93200, France
That's the address.

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3876 posts

I have been to Saint Denis a couple of time but not over on your side of town but I thought that I would reply in case no one with direct experience responds. I've been to the Basilica and the Stade de France -- and it's been years. The areas where I have been would not be my choice for a vacation to Paris but you do not say that this booking is for a visit to Paris so maybe the location is fine for your trip. I have read that tons of money has poured into Saint Denis for the Olympics. The last time I was in Saint Denis (and again on the other side of town), it looked like a diverse community that many would describe as gritty but I did not feel especially unsafe and I saw lots of families with children on the metro and in the area both times I went to the Basilica. Of course, I was in Saint Denis to visit the Basilica or to attend an even at the Stade de France so it's not like I spent 3 or 4 days and nights there. I hope a local person who is in that area often chimes in with up to date information, especially about how the Olympics has and is expected to impact the area. I looked up the address on a map and it looks like it is near Metro Line 13 which I try to avoid when in Paris because I find it to be annoyingly overcrowded. Why did you choose this area?

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6 posts

Thanks for answering! I chose it because we are traveling to visit Paris as a family of 5 (possibly 6), and it's most economical for us to stay in an AirBNB rather than a hotel. It's about $1000 for 4 nights in a nice, 2bed apartment with a sofa bed. If we get a hotel, it's going to be very expensive, because we'd have to get a suite. We are visiting Paris with our kids (from the US) for the first time. Everything I read described Saint Denis as a working suburb that is not dangerous, just not glamorous/downtown Paris like, and it has good proximity to the Metro.

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6 posts

I am not locked into this one - so if you have different areas that you might recommend to look for an AirBnB, that would be helpful!

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3876 posts

Yes hotels are probably going to be more expensive than an apartment. I don't know enough about the area to say yes or no from the safety or family friendly perspectives. I do know that it is not going to be quaint Paris of many tourist dreams but the budget is the budget. You will have at least a 20-minute metro ride to most tourist sites and as I said in my initial response I think Line 13 is awful but then again about 3 years ago, I decided to never ride on it again and it could have improved since then. If your budget is $1,000 for four nights, I have no better suggestions.