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St Chappelle concerts

How do I buy tickets for a concert in Saint Chappelle in Paris? I do not want the front expensive seats, prefer middle seats. I see prices range from 11 E to 65 Euros.

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20967 posts

When I as there a few years back, you bought them at the brasserie across the street. Maybe things have changed.

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509 posts

In advance?

We were more than pleased with the middle section seats (May 2016). Acoustics are excellent. (We did make a point of lining up 30 or so minutes early to get seated on the center aisle with somewhat better views of the performers. Others with more recent experience can probably offer better advice.)

(I think the Forum consensus is to not get the concert/dinner (across the street) combo ticket. You can do better selecting a restaurant on your own.)

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15768 posts

Middle seats are the best, IMO. They give you a better view of the stained glass than the front seats. Seats within each section are first come/first served. There are usually 2 concerts in an evening. If you go to the first, and get there when they open the doors, you should have a good bit of time to walk around (after saving your seats) to admire the chapel and take photos before the concert begins. I think there is much less time between concerts because of the time it takes to empty the room.

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12313 posts

I picked a performance based on the best time to see sun shining through the stained glass (late afternoon before sunset). Sitting in the front isn't necessary, the performance is so so - not bad but nothing special. The reason for the visit is to see the chapel, the music is just a nice addition. The most expensive seating includes a glass of champagne, again not necessary. You're in the EU and can buy a nice bottle of champagne (or any wine) at any grocery store for a good price. My estimate is you will pay about 6 euros for a bottle that might be $25 here (and I'm a $15 wine drinker).

I purchased my ticket online but others are better at remembering the specific link.

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2267 posts

We bought our through Classictic and it was easy to do. I was worried we’d be inundated with offers from other vendors, but never had any problem nor do we get offers from Classictic. We did have to print the email voucher and then trade it at the venue for the actual ticket, but procedures may have changed. The farther back you sit, in my opinion, the better your view of the entire room. We opted for the middle section and realized later we would have been pleased with the back section.

Posted by
89 posts

We bought our tickets online at the same site already mentioned on this post. We sat closer to the back so that we would have more of a view of the stained glass. It wasn’t a good view of the performers, but we wanted to see the windows anyway. Sound was perfectly fine from the back.

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4555 posts

I agree that you want to get tickets for a late afternoon performance so the sun will be shining through the stained glass.

Posted by
497 posts

I believe the brasserie only sells tickets if you are buying the concert/dinner package. Otherwise, I believe you have to buy the concert tickets from the small Tabac store almost directly across the street from the concert entrance. At least that was our experience. The woman there will sell you tickets for days in advance if you're going to be in Paris prior to attending the concert. We bought ours from her about a week in advance.
As for the rest, I agree that the first concert is preferable in order to see the stained glass lit up by the setting sun. And further back gives a better view of the chapel while enjoying the concert. We chose the middle in order to see both the musicians and the chapel. Chani is right about the first-come-first-seated strategy even within the sections.