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Shuttle from CDG

What is the best way to travel from CDG to hotels in the Rue Cler

Posted by
8117 posts

Take a taxi if you have 3 people and split the cost which is a flat rate ranging from 45-55 euro

Posted by
784 posts

A taxi from CDG to the Rue Cler neighborhood costs a flat 55€ - tipping not required. Be sure to go to the official taxi rank. Write your Hotel's name and address including the postal code or arrondissement on a slip of paper to give the driver. Do not accept a ride from anyone approaching you inside the terminal.

Posted by
16895 posts

Public transport requires a connection to reach the Rue Cler neighborhood, such as from RER line B (blue) to Line C (goldenrod) at St. Michel-Notre Dame station. Getting to Ecole Militaire Metro station requires an additional connection.

Posted by
426 posts

I have stayed at a hotel off Rue Cler on 3 trips. In each case, I had just a carry on bag and did fine taking the RER + Metro. If you have larger luggage, a taxi would likely make more sense.

Posted by
9972 posts

Also if you are two people or more, taking a taxi makes sense, as it costs 10 euros a person to schlep around on the metro, but only 55 euros (divided by how many of you there are, up to four people) to take a taxi.

The main thing, as someone mentioned before, is NOT to go with the people who will approach you in the terminal "Taxi? Taxi?" get past them, follow the signs for Taxis, and get in the real taxi line.

Posted by
2466 posts

Do you have a lot of luggage? Take a taxi.
Follow the overhead signs in the airport and get in line.

Flat rates are in effect, so there's no chance that you'll pay more than you should.
No fees for luggage in the trunk.
Remember that legitimate taxi drivers always remain in the taxi unless they're loading your luggage.

Posted by
5 posts

We found the RER Blue easy to get to the St Michel/ND station. Rue Cler would require taking Metro further to the west. Google maps is great for planning transit options. We also found Uber worked great in Paris and may be easier than a taxi in some situations.

Posted by
1341 posts

Easiest is all a matter of budget and how you like to travel. Here are your options:

  1. Taxi---many people here recommend it. You get from point A to point B and risk waiting in traffic.
  2. RER - (train). You don't have to worry about traffic but you do have to lug your luggage around and travel with people. Chances are you won't be at your most alert but it's an easy "trajet."
  3. Take "Le bus direct" or "Roissybus" into the city and then transfer via metro or taxi to your hotel.
  4. Hire a private shuttle that will pick you up outside customs.
  5. Hire a shared shuttle where you call a toll free number when you exist customs and they will tell you which exit to meet them at and you risk dropping 4-5 other people at their hotel in God-knows-where, Paris. Chances are you'll be one of the last dropped off given your location (Grands boulevards and Montmartre tend to be dropped off first in my experience)

I have taken all 5 means with success. Bon voyage!

Posted by
18 posts

We are planning on taking train into the city and then a taxi to the Rue Cler area.

Posted by
8390 posts

Why would you do that? It will be 20.60 to Paris and then another 15 at least from Gare du Nord or so to Rue Cler and in rush hour more than that. Why not just transfer to the metro to get to your hotel on the same 20.60 tickets for two people into the city or alternatively ride in comfort from the airport to your door for 55 Euro? In my experience the taxi line at Gare du Nord is much slower than at CDG and there is also very aggressive scam cabbing there; the scammers go so far as to try to pull people out of the official queue to their cabs. If you do this either place, be sure you stay in line and take your turn at the front. The meter should read 55 at CDG and be running (I think the drop fee is about 3.50) when it takes off at Nord.

Posted by
1411 posts

Since your topic title was Shuttle from CDG I can offer you Paris-Shuttle,, I used them once in the past. But now I either use the RER-B or an official taxi. Taxi if its raining & RER-B if its not.

Posted by
18 posts

janettravels44: We were going to take the train to Les Halles / Chatelet Les Halles, then pick up a taxi from there.

If we're not too jetlagged, we'll take the Metro (with one transfer) to the hotel.

Posted by
10472 posts

I'm with Janet, Dylan. Which exit? There are about ten. Do you know where the cab stands are or will you flag one in the street? It's just as easy to stay on the metro if you've gone to the trouble of getting on the RER in the first place. Can't you just transfer at St. Michel to the REAR C?

Posted by
8390 posts

There are literally 20 (maybe more) exits at Chatelet Les Halles; I have no idea which one would get you to a taxi stand.
While it is chaos there, it is well signed so if you are picking up a metro there and know your metro line, it is easy if cumbersome to get to the platform.

Posted by
18 posts

Our hotel uses a limo service. Using it round trip will cost less than 10 euro than a round trip taxi, so we're going with that.

Thanks for the advice.

Posted by
12 posts

Dylan, what hotel are you staying in that offers the limo? We're traveling there at the end of September and are considering altering our current reservation. Thanks.

Posted by
18 posts

Daceman: we are staying at Hotel Le Walt ( in the 7th. It's near the Eiffel, and very close to Napoleon's tomb.

Limo one way is 70€, and 120€ round trip. Taxi would be 110€ RT, plus 7€ if you call ahead for a taxi overnight (which we would have to do to catch our early flight home), so the cost difference is negligible.

I emailed the hotel and they were great about setting it up.