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Update: Should you be concerned about the health pass? Probably not.

The health pass/ le pass sanitaire is being developed for intra-European travelers. The United States has not been part of the implementation. You will be asked for something different to enter the country. You will know before you go what is necessary.

Furthermore, within France le pass sanitaire is for access to large events such as rock concerts, festivals, large theaters, and trade fairs. It is NOT needed for restaurants, museums, tourist sites.

Since we need to ask a question: should you be concerned?

Update: we received a message from the office of the Député who represents French citizens living in North America. He said that the health certificate hasn't even been voted on in the Assemblée Nationale. It has not been approved. He also reassured us that they are working to find a solution for those of us who have been vaccinated outside of France.

Posted by
8261 posts

My sense is that the need/demand for verifying Vaccination is quickly eroding, and would not be surprised if the multiple passports, apps, cards and other proposed systems fade away. Countries seem to be forging ahead without any official system, accepting the equivalent of a statement that you have been vaccinated, or even not caring. Basically, as was discussed many months ago, if infection rates are low, and manageable, that is all that matters.

I had looked into the Clear App that has been used for testing information, they were to expand to a vaccination pass...but that seems to have stalled, and no comprehensive system seems to be gaining traction.

Posted by
16615 posts

It's very simple. The only thing Americans get proving they have been vaccinated is the CDC card. The U.S. government has said there will be no national database. So, basically, if a country wants to accept vaccinated Americans, they will have to accept the CDC card. s

So far, countries already open or who have announced openings have accepted the CDC card as proof of vaccination from Americans.

Posted by
9436 posts

Thank you so much for your post Bets, really appreciate it. My son and his girlfriend are flying to Paris on 6/17. We were reading a French govt website today that was not very helpful.

Posted by
9436 posts

Sammy, the reason for “the question” is that it’s a rule for posting on this forum.

Posted by
2742 posts

Here is what we know in reference to who may enter France from the USA:

If you are arriving from a country other than those listed above, you cannot enter France unless you have an exemption. You must comply with health requirements to enter France (PCR test and sworn declaration). You must self-isolate for seven days after your arrival.

So far, no information about those vaccinated. Restaurants open June 9th, and the curfew is extended to 23h, but I have seen nothing written that Americans will be admitted June 9th. Maybe they will be, but I don't think I would purchase airfare until an official announcement has been made.

Posted by
10768 posts

You are absolutely right, Tocard. A woman named maureen on another thread cited an answer she received from one of the consulate offices that said Americans should be able to travel June 9th. However,, “should be” is not “will be”. The June 9th date has been announced for European residents; we don’t know the date for American tourists. American tourists might just take a deep breath over this pass sanitaire for now instead of the kerfuffle we saw on another thread. The governments will make their requirements known in due time.

Posted by
427 posts

Sammy, the reason for “the question” is that it’s a rule for posting on this forum.

Ah. Ok. Thanks. I wasn't aware of that.

I hadn't thought about it, but if I had I would have assumed helpful, informative posts such as Bets's would have been fine, even with no question.

Posted by
88 posts

Both my wife and I are RNs and have vaccinated countless persons over the last months. The CDC card may be the most "proof" that we in the US have been vaccinated. In the end, it may come down to the honor system for US residents that we are vaccinated as the CDC cards are hardly secure (I recently cared for a patient who bragged he wouldn't get the vaccine and he created a fake vaccine card from the internet to fool all us "sheeple" who go along with this hoax.....ugh). The only other proof that I have being vaccinated is that my vaccine was given through my healthcare system that uses an electronic medical record (EMR). We have printed out our vaccine page from the EMR that shows our names, dates, brand, and lot number of the vaccines given. We are hoping that between the card and the printout from the EMR, we will have enough proof of vaccination if needed for foreign travel. The prior, and of course along with any need testing proof of no active/current infection. Lots of murkiness in the water. The next 4-6 weeks will be telling if we get to make our planned trip to visit family in France in late July.

Posted by
8703 posts

We obviously need a 'vaccine passport' or even a way to link our vaccination record to our actual passport. I have the card and plan to also make a copy of our medical record on mychart that shows the vaccination and dates given and lot number BUT all that is easy to forge if you are a psychopath which apparently about half of American are.

Perhaps this could be initiated by the person vaccinated so that only those who choose to be would be in the national data base or passport data. My hospital system that has my medical records was able to obtain the vaccine data and lot number from the drug store provider where I got my shot.

One possibility is that Americans will be required to provide test data in addition to vaccination cards.

Posted by
180 posts

I used my cell phone and videoed me getting both of my shots lol. Our trip to France isn't until late October so who knows what (if anything) we will need then. My concern is this. As things are now, we will need a negative PCR test 72 hours before we fly. Our flight is on Monday October 25th at 1:15 PM Eastern time as we live in North Carolina. So, we will need the PCR test after 1:15 PM the previous Friday. So, who knows if the places doing the testing will be working over that weekend? I guess I need to make some phone calls and make sure our butts are covered. Anyone else have a Monday flight?

Posted by
8703 posts

Maybe they will accept the Abbott home tests -- the US accepts them for entry. And by October I am assuming things will be regularized so we will know what is needed.

Posted by
60 posts

New York State Excelsior Pass.Digital or can print. IBM technology. Takes two minutes to set up. EZ PZ. Uses records from State vaccination sites.

Posted by
60 posts

Can download from Apple App Store, google play, or from Excelsior site. Scannable code.

Posted by
2916 posts

I recently cared for a patient who bragged he wouldn't get the vaccine and he created a fake vaccine card from the internet to fool all us "sheeple" who go along with this hoax

And here I thought it was only newspaper commenters in my state (Maine) that make such statements.

Also, I would think that any country that states that Americans can enter with proof of vaccination will accept the CDC card, since I'm sure they're aware that it's basically all we have.

Posted by
2742 posts

I'm sure they're aware that it's basically all we have.

Yes, and therein lies the problem. It is a shame that the US government rejected the idea of vaccination passports, at least for those who really wanted them.

Posted by
2916 posts

the reason for “the question” is that it’s a rule for posting on this forum.

I was curious about that, especially after reading a post this morning that didn't ask a question. So I checked all the Guidelines, and couldn't find such a requirement.

Posted by
10768 posts

It was a requirement in the past but now appears to have been eliminated .