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11847 posts

Thanks, Carlos. I am not afraid of protests, but do not want to be dealing with hassles like train cancelations when leaving Paris for other areas in France. This is not a big, lengthy nor really important trip, our 5th trip there, and is insured. We can rebook it at a later date if we decide to postpone it.

Posted by
15250 posts

Thanks for posting. Assuming the accuracy of this article, one has to arrive at a personal decision whether to cancel or go on with travel plans already made or will be made.

If one knows how to get about in Paris, one is not going to be deterred by the events. I've been following the news there daily but ,admittedly , only on CNN and the local channels, BBC or DW ,,,not yet.

If the percentage of French opposing the pension reform (at 64 years old ) already stands at 66% to 70%, I am looking forward to seeing a measurable jump in that percentage among les français , say to 80%....even better.

Reading this CNN is very informative, but has no effect at all on my plans going over at the end of May. If I were there now, it would be as exactly described in the article, Paris in the Spring time.

Posted by
8885 posts

Well you can judge the accuracy of the article by the statement that King Charles cancelled his visit.
He didn't. President Macron postponed it after consultation with Buckingham Palace.
A very basic fact, and a very significant difference.

Posted by
15183 posts

**Thanks Carlos for the link. I think it's interesting that they recommend CityMapper for updated information. I downloaded it last year on the recommendation of Kim in Paris and it worked great on non-strike times so expect it will help on any strike days that come up.

I also suspect the people that will defer travel will be those who are first-timers to Paris or like Suki who have a number of train segments.

BTW, I thought President Macron cancelled King Charles' visit not as the article states Charles cancelled. From the BBC "The French President, Emmanuel Macron, made the decision because of big protests that have been taking place across the country."

editing to add: Cross posting with isn31c!