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Shorts in Paris/Disneyland Paris

We will be in Paris the end of July/first of August. I understand that generally speaking, shorts are not looked upon very favorably in the city, but we are traveling via train to Disneyland. I've watched videos to see if shorts are worn by men there and they are quite common in Disneyland. My wife would not be caught dead wearing them, but I wonder how it will be viewed while on the bus. Obviously, the train will have as its destination the park, and I'm probably over thinking this as those folks will never see me again. But what has been your experience? Of course, the weather will determine if shorts are even needed.

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9436 posts

It’s perfectly fine to wear shorts in Paris or Disneyland Paris. The French will know you are a tourist and tourists wear anything and everything. Parisians are used to it. When Parisian men/women are on holiday in a warm climate, they wear shorts too, just not normally in Paris.

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4781 posts

Just got back and I wore shorts for 2 weeks from Paris, Loire Valley, Dordogne and French Riviera. It's definitely not as common as it is in North America and you will stand out-especially in Paris, but it's not like anyone looked at me funny. I did notice a lot of the younger Parisians were wearing shorts for an evening out to drink and chase girls in Saint Germaine-it was 32 degrees Celsius on Sunday though.

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5551 posts

No one cares if you wear shorts. Everyone wears shorts in the Summer. The idea that the French don’t wear shorts is about 25 years out of date.

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2766 posts

Certainly, the French wear shorts but only when their feet are in sand. Otherwise, only young people wear shorts in Paris.