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Seine cruise - Eiffel tower twinkling nights (for tonight)

We are in Paris right now and want to do a seine cruise tonight. How do we make sure to do one that finishes at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower while the lights are twinkling. Do we pick a start time at the top of the hour? Am I correct in that the recommended one is Vedettes dr Paris (not Vedettes de Pont Neuf)? Thank you!!

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2783 posts

I recommend les Vedettes du Pont Neuf, but they depart and arrive at, logically, Pont Neuf, not the ET. These boats will of course pass the Eiffel Tower, but attempting to coordinate a boat passage with the hourly twinkling of the ET lights might be an interesting idea, but not necessarily a practical one.

The best view of the twinkling ET is, in my view, from les Ombres, the rooftop restaurant next to the Eiffel Tower. However, it generally takes weeks to reserve.

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2810 posts

I’ve done this at least three times, and every time they have major we are down at the Eiffel Tower for the twinkling

I used the vendettes nuef recommended above. I will be very surprised if you report back, you weren’t there when the lights were twinkling.

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5331 posts

Have used les Vedettes du Pont Neuf several times and will do so again.

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1625 posts

Time difference may make my post useless, but we have always timed the Vendettes cruise to be when the lights start to twinkle by choosing the departure closest to sunset. You get the partial daylight one way then nighttime the other way which gives you the EF twinkle, night activates on the river etc. But along with that comes extreme (to me) cold. So we were on top for the first half then had to move to the bottom for the last 20 min.

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10496 posts

Letizia yes sadly your post is timestamped 6:30 pm - sunset right now is at 5 pm... but your post is sure to help someone else who sees this post in the future !

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45 posts

sorry for the late reply. We barely squeaked in - it did sell out. There are so many posts in this forum saying they don't sell out and no need to buy in advance, but that was not our experience. Also, I did not like the Vedettes experience - perhaps they are all like this, but it was very difficult to hear the tour guide and they did not pause by the Eiffel Tower. Also, if they had left just a few minutes later - we would have reached the Eiffel Tower when it was twinkling - I'm wondering why they just don't do that? Weird. I'm not sure if my expectations were too high - but it was all a bit disappointing. (We were able to sit up top but also as a result had to breathe in a bunch of exhaust/fumes the whole time, which also detracted from the experience).

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937 posts

Vedettes DOES stop at the ET when it's twinkling, that's where they turn around. My first night I took their last tour before the 'listed' sunset cruise. And they paused (and mentioned the pause), so maybe you had an impatient captain?