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Securing passes or tickets for D-day events

We have flights and lodging (near Cabourg, east of Caen) secured already for the 75th anniversary of D--Day. Will be in Normandie nights of 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th.

We are both retired career veterans ourselves and our dads, now deceased, had been involved in the Normandie invasion. We had been to Normandie several times and are familiar enough to manage on our own, but need some guidance in how to obtain passes for ceremonies/events at that time. Day tours if they have special access would be entirely acceptable for us. Could not find online when any ceremonies might be held at the War Memorial vs at Omaha/Utah/Point du Hoc vs at the American Cemetery (our fathers survived the invasions and are not buried there (we have an uncle who is buried at Henri-Chappelle in Belgium and our family had been there several times). Any guidance Regarding handling visitation at the actual 75th anniversary of D-day in Normandie itself would be greatly appreciated.

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109 posts

I am planning a similar trip and will get to the beaches around 2 June, so I was planning to check the local TIs to see what’s planned.
I’m also retired US military & my dad served in World War II, but not in Europe.
By planning early, I was able to get an Air BnB place right on the beach at St. Aubyn-Sur-Mer, which was where the Canadians landed on Juno Beach. There’s an old picture showing the beach just after D-Day with a crashed plane on it, and the building where we’re staying is visible in the background! (Sorry for the bragging, but I think that is wayyyy cool)
I’m proud to be able to go to Normandy to honor the memory of those who gave so much for our precious freedom.

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4684 posts

Rather than asking here, I think you'd get more reliable responses if you asked your former regiments or your parents' ones, or general veterans' organisations.

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672 posts

A lot of the ceremonies may be by invitation only, being the 75th anniversary. Many heads of state attended the 70th anniversary, including Obama (see this story). So, I suspect security will also be ramped up significantly. Maybe contact your congressman/woman to inquire?

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1214 posts

Unfortunately, many details of the ceremonies aren't ironed out until the spring. This makes it difficult for those of us who come from across the pond and have to make our plans early. However, other than specific events happening right at the American Cemetery, or events attended by dignitaries, most of the ceremonies aren't ticketed events. You just have to know when and where, and you have to get there early. I was there for the anniversaries in five of the past eight years. The 70th anniversary in 2014 was definitely the most busy. Certain events on D-day itself that were attended by heads of states were basically inaccessible. However, the Normandy D-day areas are spread out over a huge area (45 miles as the crow flies), so there is always somewhere, and some event that you can get to. And many events occur several days before and after the actual anniversary. Some of the biggest events relating to American involvement occur in the Western sector, inland from Utah Beach in the area of the American Airborne landing sites. In 2019, they culminate on June 9th (a Sunday) with a mass dropping of current paratroopers near the La Fiére causeway outside of Sainte-Mère-Église and ceremonies before and after. But as mentioned, there will be large lists of events and ceremonies for several days before and after this date.

I recommend watching the tourist info web sites for lists of activities in the areas you are most interested in. Among others, check out this site for a program of events in the Western sector:

This is the local tourism bureau for Sainte-Mère-Église, Carentan, and Utah Beach. They will post a more complete schedule of events as we get closer to those dates. Next year, if the weather allows, I will be parachuting in to Carentan on June 5th with a group of reenactors flying in a formation of vintage planes from England to France. Maybe I'll see you on the ground!