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Seattle - Paris - Rome

We will be flying from Seattle to Paris on Delta airlines arriving there at the scheduled time of 0810. We will then transfer to a Delta code share airline (Joon?) departing Paris at 0915 for Rome. I just received an e-mail from Delta that said that there had been a flight time change for the sea - Paris leg and that it would leave Seattle 8 minutes earlier than the original departure time but still arriving in Paris at 0810. A note in red print on the itinerary said that this change could cause us to miss our 0915 flight. I called Delta and was on hold way too long before being offered the option to have them call me back which they did in about 50 minutes. When I explained to the agent that I had called regarding their e-mail and being concerned about missing my 0915 flight. The agent said that Delta prefers to have a minimum of 75 minutes for connections. My original booking only allowed for 60 minutes between flights.

The agent put me on hold again. When they finally came back I asked it they could change my 0915 flight to the next available one so that I would not risk missing it. I was put on hold again. When the agent finally came back, I was told that I should have enough time between those two flights to make the connection. I asked why not just change the 0915 flight to the next available one and was put on hold again. When the agent returned I was told that if I wanted to change to a later flight it would be considered an optional request and cost me $200. I immediately asked for the agent's name and ID number. They provided me with a name and number.
I asked what would happen if my flight from SEA was late in arriving in Paris and I ended up missing my 0915 flight and was told that they were sure that Delta would get me on the next available flight to Rome. Too long a story for this web site. Does anyone have any experience in making connections in Paris?

Posted by
11540 posts

I have not been to CDG, but from what I have read on this forum, I would say Satan has a better chance of making a snowman, than you have of making your connection. If you have only carry-on your chance may be a bit better

I am sure those who have been there will provide more useful info.

Good luck!

Posted by
4637 posts

I fly often to Prague. My options in Europe to change planes are: London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris. I tried all of them. The most messy is Paris. Poorly organized, then London, better than London is Frankfurt and the best is Amsterdam. If I could I would avoid Paris. To predict if you miss your connection is like tossing a coin. I believe that with the same time your chances would be the best in Amsterdam, the worst in Paris.

Posted by
8075 posts

nothing to worry about; there is nothing more too explain just like they said if you missed the connection they will put you on the next flight thats all and they will know this while you are en route (I used to work as a pax agent Virgin Atlantic). I'm guessing you bought the flight you could afford that is usually how it goes.

Posted by
10376 posts

Charlie, I’ve found that sometimes I have to call Delta several days in a row to get what I need. Keep trying and eventually you’ll find someone who will make the change without charging you. I don’t blame you for wanting to change the flight and be sure you aren’t separated from luggage or have to hassle a last minute change. Because you need to board your second flight at 8:45, and it will be in a different terminal after passport control, you can’t make the flight. Just keep trying. Good luck.

Jazz—that’s a strange assumption to make about someone’s spending and finances. The OP is a long-time poster who goes on RS tours in Europe yearly.

Posted by
27455 posts

They will put you on the next flight flown by an airline of the same corsortium (for lack of a better word) that has available seats. Fortunately, there are lots of flights between Paris and Rome, so it shouldn't be a big deal. But yes, that's a very, very tight connection for CDG.

Edited to add: I like Bets' idea better! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. But I wouldn't stress about it, because you're going to get to Rome just fine.

Posted by
8075 posts

Jazz—that’s a strange assumption to make about someone’s spending and finances. The OP is a long-time poster who goes on RS tours in Europe yearly.

Rephrase : You bought the ticket at the price you found most agreeable.

Posted by
2716 posts

I would agree-keep calling during business hours, M-F. If you can’t get anywhere ask for a supervisor. Not to rub salt in the wound but you should not have booked a 60 minute connection. Even a 75 minute, so called legal connection, is inadequate. I’ve done this enough that I consider anything under 2-3 hours a non-starter. I’d rather be bored hanging around an airport than sweat a connection, or have to be squeezed onto a later flight.

Posted by
7483 posts

Before you call Delta again, write down all of the options from Delta that would get you to Rome, I.e. thru Amsterdam, JFK, etc. Have them listed in priority but look at the prices; they won’t want to give you the most expensive. And they tend to prefer to give you state-side connections. Then speak in your friendliest, cooperative voice and hope for the best.

Going from a large plane to the small planes in CDG in 60 minutes, I really doubt you would have a chance.

Posted by
4066 posts

Joon is a subsidiary of Air France and began flying under that brand two months ago. It has half a dozen flights daily to Rome.
Usual discount airline service: A free coffee but snacks are for sale; entertainment via an app for phone or tablet. The details are on the website.
With the heightened security at CdG, less than an hour for a transfer anywhere is very tight. Even if you make it, your checked luggage may not. Be sure to check the departure information screens for updated gate information. Delta may have personnel to help you with the transfer but more likely you will consult Air France customer help, especially if you need to rebook on a later flight.

Posted by
2788 posts

After doing some more research on this issue, I decided that the 60 minute connection time was not acceptable. I called back Delta and immediately asked to speak to a supervisor. A Delta supervisor named "Reggie" came on the line from Tampa, FL. I basically went over all of the above information and told him that Delta recommends a 75 minute minimum, the same as the Paris airport recommends. I also told him a summary of all of the responses I had gotten from this post. After much time spent on hold, several times, he came back on the line to say that it would be better if we were rebooked onto a later flight, the one I had originally requested the first time I called Delta. I mentioned to him that Delta had accepted the original itinerary which only provided a 60 minute transfer time which is not up to several recommendations and that I do not feel that I should be paying for any change to this flight. Again on hold. He came back and said that he was rebooking us on the 10:40 flight at no cost. He said he needed to put me on hold while this rebooking was taking place. He came back on the line a couple of time to tell me that they were working the issue and to be patient. He finally came back to say that the rebooking had gone thru and when he was reviewing our entire itinerary (4 flights all via Delta or subs) he notice that our flight from Rome to Sicily had been cancelled and that airline was in the process of moving us to an earlier flight. I told him we would be on a tour in Rome that was not go get over until noon that day so that we would never make a noon flight. Away he went putting me on hold again. He finally came back to say that he had cancelled out the noon flight and booked us on the next flight, a 5:40 PM. He sent me an e-mail with all of the changes shown. I did not sleep well the night before this happened as I was worried about the connections. I slept very well knowing the changes had taken place. It certainly helped to ask for a supervisor when getting an unacceptable answer to ones problems. "Kadoos" to Delta and the supervisor.

Posted by
6674 posts

Way to go Charlie! Got that RS board mojo working! ;-)

Posted by
10376 posts

Bravo Charlie. I was pretty sure they would fix it once you talked to the right person. Now that it’s worked out, I hope next time you have a plane problem that you don’t lose any sleep but remain confident that it will be worked out for you.

Posted by
9908 posts

Glad you got it worked out, Charlie. Sorry it took so much effort!! But now you're set.

Posted by
2238 posts

Since you're such a RS vet, I'm sure you've only got carry-on. By the time I caught this post you'd already corrected your issue, but I will chime in to say we had similar problems with Delta where they changed our itinerary and cabin class. Following similar steps to yours, I was able to get things straight, but it did change us to a state-side transfer which I was trying to avoid. It made me very leery of booking with them and has made me more vigilant about checking my bookings periodically ever since.

Posted by
531 posts

I had a similar problem with United and after a few calls they took care of it also. Lesson learned like Patty I now keep a close eye on my reservations and seat assignments.

Posted by
3961 posts

Charlie, your persistence paid off!

We have been flying Delta for many years and have had good customer service. Once they held our plane at CDG when a number of us were delayed 3 hrs. in Passport Control. Another time we had a layover in Detroit>Rome. We were booked in "Comfort Seats." A few minutes before our take off, we were told they were moving us to Business Class. We found out they needed our original seat for a wheel chair bound passenger. We were very pleased to accommodate.

Posted by
3580 posts

My worst flying experience was on a flight with a very tight connection as scheduled by United. We missed the connection and had to go through "customer service" hell. Hours later we finally were sent to a hotel half an hour away by taxi (it took half an hour just to exit the airport). The next morning problems with the plane delayed us another couple of hours. We arrived in LHR just before "curfew" at after midnight. More details..... After a good night's sleep I was good to go and hardly stressed at all. The vacation was great, but I was considering ending my European travel.