My wife and I are planning a trip to France this year. The principal motivation is the retracing of my grandfathers footsteps during World War 1. Likely window for us will be August, September, or October. Neither of us has any European travel experience. Budget is king. Working through a travel planner appears to be too costly. World War 1 packages tours are also too costly and involve trips to areas that I do not want to spend time (money) on. Additionally World War 1 packages don't involve Belfort. So it looks like we will try to buy airfare, reserve hotels, and purchase transportation passes and museum tickets on our own. Right now our rough itinerary looks like this:
Paris 1 night
Belfort 3 nights
uber or rental
Verdun 3 nights
tour van or uber
Paris 2 nights
We've already learned that purchasing airfare/hotel package may prove impossible since our Paris stay(s) are bookends for several nights elsewhere. We are open to staying at B&Bs in Belfort and Verdun, if they are a value. I am looking for any advice or recommendations on how to go about doing all of this.