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Sainte Chappell concerts

Need advice . I am considering Attending a concert at Saint Chapelle . I thought I had read somewhere that there were different price levels of tickets but I am only seeing one level for concert only ticket pricing for Monday September 5. We are arriving in Paris from Bayeux that morning by train at 10:00 and going to the Louvre at 12:30/ 1:00. I plan to do only 2 wings of the Louvre. I think we could visit the Louvre until 4:30.-5:00 Sainte Chapelle is about. 15min walk away from the Louvre .The concert starts at 6:00. It is the only concert being performed the days we are in Paris. Tickets are a bit higher than I expected , but if it is worth doing I am ok with the price. My plan had been to walk in that area after visiting the Louvre

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2597 posts

According to the program published on the internet, the concert on September 5 at the Sainte Chapelle starts at 8:00 p.m. (not at 6:00 p.m.)

Are you talking about this one?

If you buy the tickets on site there are two prices €40 and €50 depending on the seat in the concert hall (it's about 10% more through a booking site)

Posted by
8143 posts

I am not opposed to going to this concert, but note that it may be more of a tourist-concert than a scholarly ensemble with a subscription program at other concert halls in season.

When we last went to Ste. Chapelle, we had to wait in a long line with magnetometer and bag checks, related (I think) to the adjacent law courts security. But that was during the business day.

Have you allowed time for reaching and checking into your hotel? You have to investigate bag check times and rules if you still have your bags with you when sightseeing. Also, the Metro is no paradise with luggage.

Posted by
2851 posts

I decided to go to a concert at Sainte-Chapelle based on recommendations from posters on this forum. By the time I got to Paris, I forgot how expensive the tickets were and almost didn't buy them. But I'm so glad I did. The concert was amazing, and the setting was sublime. Sainte-Chapelle is my favorite site in Paris. I don't recall if there were multiple ticket prices; I just remember being so glad I bought the tickets.

Posted by
67 posts

Thank you for correcting my time error. Not sure what I thought I saw..
We will not have our luggage with us. We will take it to our hotel when we arrive in Paris and may not get to our room until after the concert.
Is there somewhere you would suggest for eating dinner when we leave the Louvre?
Do you recommend sitting closer 10€ more per ticket?or is the view and sound equal at both price levels. I understand up close you will see the performers better.
I am guessing it is better to purchase tickets days before the concert.since we won’t get to Sainte Chapelle early can I get these directly through Saint Chapelle , by contacting them .

Posted by
100 posts

Tim is correct in that this is a tourist-themed concert. I've been twice (count me as a tourist), but if you are a classical music enthusiast, you might be bored with the program. Vivaldi's Four Seasons, Pachelbel's Canon, Ave Maria etc are old favorites, and it is the same program I heard in 2008 and 2017. My reason to go twice was Sainte Chapelle itself. An 8 pm start, with sunset at 8:25 that night, is perfect as the stained glass will light up beautifully as the sun sets. No need to pay the extra ticket price to sit closer unless you are a true aficionado.

Posted by
2597 posts

I don't know this concert hall but according to the basic plan displayed, the most expensive price corresponds to the half of the hall closest to the stage.

Without making a personal artistic judgment, I would agree with Larry regarding the repertoire played.
My neighbour, a piano beginner, plays the Pechelbel's Canon, it's particularly boring.
I should never have found the sheet music for her ! :))

Posted by
822 posts

Vivaldi's Four Seasons was pleasant but the site itself was more impressive than the music when we attended the concert in October 2016.

Posted by
4966 posts

Rick has several other recommendations, mostly churches, I believe the American church is one.

As noted the cathedral is right next to a very busy courthouse, which may still be on heavy security because of a high profile trial.

Posted by
43 posts

Just returned from Paris. Went to the concert on Monday. We really liked it, but yes it is targeted to tourists, but still, the setting is wonderful and the soloist was very talented. The two prices are for the front half and back half of the church. We opted for the highest price since it was only a small difference. The line started forming outside at 7:20. Around 7:30 they start letting people through security and then to another area to wait in line. We waited in that line until around 7:50. When you enter the back of the church, they have someone halfway up checking for those with the better tickets, from there it is first come first serve. So if you come right before the concert and buy better tickets, you will be in the middle row, one row ahead of those who came early with the lower price tickets. We were in the first row, with only 30 minutes of waiting, so it was nice being that close.

Posted by
1296 posts

What Tim and Larry said. The hall is amazing, and the musicians are very good. But they are definitely putting on a "show" for tourists (dramatic entries, playing games with music stands, etc.). If you are serious about classical music, there are many other concerts and venues in town. But few halls have the beauty of Sainte-Chapelle.

Posted by
43 posts

We purchased tickets in advance for the concert at Saine Chappelle on September 11.
We are looking forward to it and just want to experience the Chappelle too.

Posted by
67 posts

Advice please
I continues to debate about getting tickets for the Saint Chapelle concert. I see on the web order site there is only one price of ticket.
The euro music site says directly on the concert site 30 min before concert.
The only concert date we are able to attend is Monday Sept. 5.

Does this mean that we would need to line up before concert and wait to obtain tickets if available … and does that mean line up an hour before just to have a chance of getting tickets.
*** I am just seeing now that the site has 2 categories of tickets available , but the other sites list only one.
Am I safe to book the category 2 tickets listed as 44€ with $1.35 € handling fee. That maybe my best price option for knowing we have 2 tickets.

That means a busy day.
Getting off the train at 10, luggage to hotel by hopefully 11:30. Louvre by 1:00 maybe 12:30 if lucky. Orangerie by 5 (?if it works) and then to 8:00 concert getting there by 7:15???
Where would be the best place to pick up a quick snack between Louvre and Saint Chapelle on a Monday?