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Sainte-Baume, Rock of Mercy Grotto

Has anyone gone to the Sainte-Baume, Rock of Mercy Grotto at ? We will be staying in Cassis and plan to drive there. This is where Saint Mary Magdalene is said to have lived there for thirty years of her life. Thank you, Dara West

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10510 posts

Last time we were up there, it was being repaired, but it has been open for several years not. We've been to the Benedictine hostel where you start the walk to the Grotto a couple of times. It's a very special mountain and place to visit.

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1125 posts

It has been many years since I went, but Ste. Baume was interesting because of the claims about Mary Magdalene. (It is one of many places laying claim to her presence.) Be prepared to walk up a steep hill to the grotto, unless things have changed. It was interesting, but not enough for me to crave a return visit, or to show it to others, unlike Les Beaux, which I have been to three times. We did this as a day trip from Marseille. Enjoy your stay in the area. Take some time to visit Bandol. I believe market day is Monday or Tuesday there, down at the harbor/beach area. Be sure and visit some of the local wineries to taste the rose as well.
Amusez-vous bien!

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7259 posts

I have hiked there in October 2022. The hike is through a beautiful forest, and it is relatively moderate up to the grotto (still a 600-700 ft elevation difference). If your fitness levels allow, I would strongly recommend going all the way up to the Saint-Pilon chapel (400 ft further up), it is stunning up there and you pass by several small chapels. That section of path is much steeper, but very well maintained.

The drive via col de l'Espigoulier is quite beautiful, by the way.

You might read about a path from the southern side of Sainte-Baume: it is a shorter drive from Bandol, but it is less beautiful and a longer hike. Also, hot in the sun.

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5 posts

Can I make the hike in my running shoes? I am not planning on bringing hiking boots. Thanks.

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7259 posts

Yes, running shoes will be fine for this. I assume they have decent tread, but you do not need anything super grippy.