I am also from Canada - all you have to be aware of is pickpockets .
I’ve been to France many many times , starting as a child in 1970.
Paris is very safe - but there are pickpockets - you won’t see them - but they’ll see you .
Do not put your phone on the table at any restaurant or cafe .
Do not hang your purse over your chair - even inside a restaurant.
Do not keep your wallet in your back pocket , and even front pockets can be picked .
You’re at most risk anywhere that is crowded - if people aren’t standing next to you they can’t pickpocket you - so be aware at any tourist site ,even at Mont St Michel ( which can be very crowded during the day in season ) and of course museums etc the metro and buses that are crowded .
It sounds intimidating but it really isn’t that bad - I’ve gone alone to Paris , my kids have gone alone ( my daughter went through Europe backpacking when she was 19 ,for 11 weeks , hit all the big pickpocket cities like Rome , Barcelona , Paris etc
Only thing she ever lost was her blue suede boots she had finally saved up enough to buy , she had them stolen from a hostel in Amsterdam when she forgot to lock them up one night - lesson painfully learned .
Do not carry all your money , cards passport in one bag - we always use hotel safes ( some folks won’t but we like them ) - we only go out for the day with one card and cash for one day - if you wish to carry more wear a money belt under your clothes - do not access it in public of course - it’s deep storage , not a purse , keep spending money in a purse that has a good closure .
Speaking French is not important - most tourist don’t . However it is nice to have a few words ( which you should know if Canadian since we all had to take at least one year of French growing up lol ) , hello , goodbye , please and thank you . It’s nice to have a few numbers too ie “ deux cafes svp “
Most important get along tip - ALWAYS say “ bonjour” before ANY verbal interaction ( for instance don’t go up to an admission window and just say “ 2 tickets please “ - that is considered abrupt - say “ bonjour madam ( or monsieur ) 2 tickets please “ . Trust me on this one - it will make your reception much nicer .
Have fun - Paris is a wonderful
City to wander aimlessly in - try not to over schedule your days so that you are rushing about or feel stressed about line ups - takenit as it comes and all will be well .