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Running in Paris

Kind of a strange question but is Paris a pretty good city to run in? I like to start my day with an early morning run. I was hoping I would be able to go for a run from my hotel in the Latin district. Might be a hard question to answer since I'm sure some areas are better than others for running. What areas might be best for running?

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4048 posts

From the Latin Quarter we’ve seen lots of people running around Luxembourg Gardens and further out along the Seine..

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9436 posts

We actually get this question often, and as Mona said, the Luxembourg Gardens... inside the park, next to the perimeter fence, is a dedicated running path. The park is gorgeous, so the LG would be my choice vs running on sidewalks dodging people the whole time. There’s also the Champs de Mars at the Eiffel Tower, Bois de Boulogne, and many other parks, but you asked about the Latin Quarter.

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3887 posts

Champ de Mars really is a great place to run. It is around 1.2 kilometers if you run all way around. You can also run along the banks of the Seine, which is what I do when I feel like jogging in Paris. When I stayed over in the 6th, I jogged in Luxembourg Gardens and it was great. I only jog 2-3 miles and you may be looking for longer routes but I found these routes to be quite good when I was staying on the Left Bank. I find that Paris is not an early morning city so if you are out jogging and done before around 7:30 AM, you are not likely to get in anyone's way.

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1421 posts

I usually have my breakfast on a bridge & enjoy watching the early morning commuters. I always see joggers running along the Seine, lower levels. From Pont de Sully towards Pont de l'Alma.

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26 posts

One of the best runs I ever did was in Paris. On that trip we were staying over near the Arc de Triomphe (so not near where you are asking about). I ran down the Champs Elysees around the Tuilieries (not in it because it wasn't open at that hour) across the front (?) of the Louvre and back UP the Champs Elysees. It was about 5 miles and was a great run. It was early (probably 6ish) so it was fun to watch the city waking up and see the Eiffel Tower in the early morning light. Not much traffic at that hour. There were other people running near the Tuilieries and along the Seine.

On another trip, we were on the metro and ran into a group of women heading to a race of some sort (I think it was a 10K).

I'll like the idea of heading to the river and running along it. That way you can go as far as you want and then turn around.
Sometimes it's also fun to just run and see where you end up (take a map!). In fact, you may have just convinced me to pack my running shoes for my upcoming trip!

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168 posts

Short answer is yes. I saw a few folks running as I did my early morning runs on the streets when we stayed at the Latin District a few years ago. I started by Place Monge metro stop, headed to the Louvre and turned back and made a loop by Notre Dame. I think it was less than 5 miles.

The last one I did was an out and back run from Rue Cler to Ile Saint Germain Park (about 8 miles)
I followed the Seine going south/east and looped back. Only thing that I can say is Ile Saint Germain Park was eerily quiet and empty early in the morning. I'd do that route again...but I'd wait 'til there is more daylight.

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2252 posts

My husband would run early every morning whenever we were in Paris. His preferred routes were along either side of the Seine, the Champ de Mars and Luxembourg Gardens. He often 'got lost' but always managed to find his way home in time for breakfast. Because we visited from Colorado, he could really suck in the oxygen at (relative to where we lived) sea level so racked up some significant mileage. I bet you will enjoy running in Paris. He always came 'home' with stories of what he saw and with whom he visited along the way.

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146 posts

I've been to Paris twice and I found it really easy to get in runs along the Seine. While staying near Notre Dame, I would head out and back and it was easy to get a run in without getting lost. I'll be in Paris again this summer and will try some of the other suggestions as well!