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Rue Cler area of Paris

My husband and I will be spending 4 nights in Paris next June. I would like to stay in the Rue Cler area but my husband is concerned that if we were to stay out late (late for us is midnight) that the streets might be a bit deserted and, therefore, not safe. We are not going with a tour so it will just be the two of us walking back to the hotel. There are probably many folks who have stayed in this area which is highly recommended by R.S. but did you go with a tour group or on your own? and, did you feel safe and comfortable walking the area alone at night? Thanks in advance for the input.

Posted by
37 posts

We just returned from France this week and we stayed a quaint little hotel off of Rue Cler. We loved the area because it was quiet. We were out late several of those nights and up early some mornings and felt safe.

Posted by
2153 posts

Hi Diane, the Rue Cler area (7th arrondissement) is very safe. We've stayed there with a RS tour (Londres Eiffel Hotel) and on our own (Hotel Empereur) many times. Be aware of your surroundings but (honestly) don't worry about this neighborhood.

Nearby you will find the Eiffel Tower, Napoleon's Tomb, the Military Museum, and Rodin Museum. It's also within walking distance to the Arch de Triomphe and the D'Orsay Museum. We have also walked to the Orangerie, Louvre, and Notre Dame but they are a bit more of a hike! There are numerous metro and bus stops nearby. We walk over to the Eiffel Tower every night to see it illuminated and walk back to the hotel at 11 p.m. or later. No problem. Relax and enjoy Paris!

Posted by
920 posts

Have stayed in the 7th during winter, so there was plenty of darkness. You'll be fine. Felt comfortable walking around. Have a good trip!

Posted by
9436 posts

The area is very safe, all of Paris from the 1st to the 17th arrondissement and above is very safe. You'll see lots of people out and about. You'll also be surrounded by lots of Americans since it's Rick's favorite area.
I feel extremely safe in Paris, late at night, by myself. Unlike here in the US

Posted by
8389 posts

Safety on the streets is not an issue in Paris. I have literally ridden the Metro from one end of town to the other at midnight; we have friends who live in the 18th in one of those areas called a 'no go zone' on Fox news and rent a place in the 13th. We are frequently in his part of town till late and then walk to the Barbes metro and to Tolbiac across town. The metros are full of people at all hours, the streets are busy until very late. While Rue Cler is not my favorite area -- it is not very central and sort of a dull area IMHO (we stayed there years ago), it is perfectly safe. Paris has very little violent crime; your wallet is likely to disappear on the metro if you are foolish enough to have it in a pocket, but muggings are very rare. I would rather be in the Latin Quarter, St. Germain or the Marais on a first trip but there is nothing unsafe about Rue Cler area and you don't need to be concerned about walking in the evening.

Posted by
32302 posts


I've walked about the Rue Cler area by myself quite late at night on many occasions, without any concerns about safety. The streets are well lit and there usually seems to be lots of people about in the evenings. Based on my experience so far, I wouldn't have a problem walking around in the evening, although I'm usually back in the hotel by about 22:00 or so.

Posted by
2466 posts

Night falls around 10 PM in June in Paris.
There will be some activity in the cafes and restaurants on rue Cler, so you will feel safe.
If you come across a deserted street, there won't be anyone to bother you, because everyone will have gone home for the night.

I would avoid wandering around the Eiffel Tower late at night though. The trinket sellers are a pain.

Posted by
29 posts

Thank you all so much for the input. My husband has a greater level of comfort because of your comments.

Posted by
7209 posts

We take high school Paris to Europe every year and we're always walking on the rue Cler after late nights seeing the twinkling Eiffel Tower. We're usually walking around there between 11:00 pm and midnight. We wouldn't take kids out that late unless it was totally safe.

Posted by
1878 posts

We stayed at the Hotel Kensington in 2010 which at the time Rick listed in his Rue Cler section of hotels It's right be the actual Rue Cler but on a pretty busy street. We did not stay out late but it's a busy enough street that there would surely be foot traffic until past midnight. (Not sure if this place is still in Rick's book; it only gets a 7.3 on these days but we found it to be fine). A lot of people are not fans of Rue Cler or the area, but I think it was great! We were there in late May/early June and it did stay light very late. It did not even occur to me to be concerned for safety in this area.

Posted by
32302 posts

It's worthwhile to note that the robbery report in the previous reply was about five years ago, and also that type of ATM theft can happen in ANY part of Paris (or indeed other cities in Europe). That's a popular method of theft, so it's prudent to be aware of those around you at any ATM. Here's one example of that from this year......

I don't advocate that method of retribution, but I suppose it was effective in this case.

Posted by
2466 posts

I would caution anyone who travels in pairs to have one work the ATM while the other one watches the territory.
Otherwise, use the inside machines in the lobby of the bank.
Leave everything in the hotel safe - passport, extra cash, credit cards...
Be sensible and protect your valuables - you'll be fine.

Posted by
8389 posts

The same crime families that run the pickpocket rings often using young girls, also have well trained young kids who grab money at ATMs. We usually get our money as a couple with me facing out and him doing the transaction which discourages the thieves who target people who aren't paying attention to surroundings. Or we go into the vestibule of banks and withdraw there. FWIW, we found the BNP Paribas banks had an option for obtaining 20s which is the most useful bill from ATMs for money for the day. They also have a mixed bill option which includes 50s. We had good luck with Post Office ATMs giving 20s but on our last trip, the one we tried gave mixed bills up to 50s and since most of our purchases that require a 50 would be done by credit card, we don't like that. ATM theft is not area specific and probably at the worst in very tourists central spots.

Posted by
9436 posts

In addition to paying attention when withdrawing cash from a machine on the street in any city just like you would here in the US, it is recommended to wear a money belt anytime you travel anywhere (not exclusive to Paris) and keep nothing of value to pickpockets in pockets or any easily accessible bag, purse, backpack, etc.

As said above, Paris is very, very safe when it comes to physical harm.

Posted by
776 posts

We were staying in an apartment in the 7th during the attacks in 2015 and trust me, even then, we felt completely safe.

I think that area is the place we felt the most safe during the whole trip.

my 70 year old mom and I walked from there to the Eiffel tower several nights and no problems or even uneasiness. Total safe feeling.

Posted by
2466 posts

When did this thread become about banks, anyway...?
I thought it was how safe you might feel on rue Cler.

If you go into the lobby of a bank to withdraw money, you should keep an eye on who might be around you. If you are alone, just keep your wits about you.

There are people of all kinds who would like to get their hands on your money, not just little Roma teenagers.

Cover your code with your hand.
Take your card and put it away.
Keep your hand on the trap where the money comes out.
Put your money away quickly.

I've never had a problem having merchants give change for 50 EU notes. It's more common nowadays.

Posted by
183 posts

Rue Cler area is perfectly safe. I think that the main reason it gets a bad rap from some is because it is farther from some of the main sights than other neighborhoods are.....but then again those neighborhoods are farther away from places like the Eiffel Tower, Les Invalides, and the Rodin museum. But IMHO walking around is part of the fun. Like my fellow Clevelander Donna, I too will vouch for the Hotel Empereur. I stayed there on my last visit and my fiance and I are staying there in October. Very convenient to the La Tour Mauburg metro stop.

Posted by
343 posts

The Rue Cler area is lovely, especially at night! Go, and enjoy it. Very safe.