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RS Loire/So. Fr question...

Hi everyone,

I'm doing the RS Loire/South of France tour this summer. Is there any time available to maybe do a hot air balloon ride? Any free mornings that you know of?


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1227 posts

You may not be able to get this info from previous tour members because the tours can change slightly each year. For example the Eastern France tour used to end up in Nice, now it ends up in Marseille. They do post a detailed itinerary on the website, you can find listed free days there. And keep in mind its your vacation. They are totally cool with you skipping out on a group outing if you want, although you might not want to miss what the group is doing (and you definitely don't want to miss if what the group is doing is riding a bus to the next stop on the tour!)

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2153 posts

Hi Gretchen, I'm signed up for this tour too so I'm hoping that you get some helpful responses. Looks like there are several afternoons off/dinners on own. Sarlat looks promising with a "vacation from your vacation". Where are you planning to do the balloon ride?

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1206 posts

I went on the RS Loire/South of France tour a few years ago, but we did not see any place where there was an option to do a hot air balloon ride. Where would you do the hot air balloon ride? Sarlat is wonderful by the way! Reminds me of the Disney Beauty and the Beast movie and I believe that is what they based it upon!

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740 posts

I came across this while doing a web search. It might work for you since it's fairly close to Sarlat and you have a full free day while there. Can't recommend them since I haven't used them.,perigord.php

I did this tour when it started in Paris. I like the change to Chartres. If you get a tour of the cathedral with Malcolm Miller you will be blessed. He is wonderful.