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Round trip train from St Lazare to Bayeux

Please define what semi-flex train tickets are for travel in France. How much flexible is there to this type of ticket?

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If you repeat your ticket search on the SNCF website and choose one of the "Exchangeable/conditions apply" fares, the pop-up box will include the text, "Terms of exchange and refund". Click on that, and the rules will be revealed. They may vary for different types of trains. The specific one I chose randomly has this legalese:

"This ticket can be exchanged and refunded free of charge up until the day before departure, or changed subject to an administration fee of 50% of your fare, up to a maximum of € 12 on the day of departure. Any difference in price between the old and the new ticket will be added to this fee. Tickets will not be exchangeable or refundable after departure."