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Revenir a Paris - Olivier Scellier

Can anyone provide a reference for the property management company Revenir a Paris ( ) or Olivier Scellier? They have a property listed on Airbnb and on the website for rent, but I would like to have some references or reviews before renting from this company. Thanks in advance!

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1 posts

Hi. Funnily enough I was just checking my booking when I saw this. Yes I’ve used this company twice before and have my 3rd apartment booked for 15th July. So far the apartments have been great. We always book a one bedroom not a studio and am super careful looking at the photos … they can be deceiving ( other companies experience). Olivier is very quick to reply to queries. You usually pay a deposit then pay cash on the day. Someone meets you at or near the apartment- you have a walk through etc.
so far so good …..

Okay, so I’m replying again to this question. I’ve just finished my third stay with this company. There are some very good things about it, but there are some not so great things about it. So the first apartment we had was in the 11th, next door to the Winter circus. We like the position we like the apartment, but the couch and chairs were uncomfortable. And when you are Staying for 10 nights and you’re walking all day you need somewhere comfortable to sit at night. But other than that the apartment whilst small was good. The second apartment was just around the corner in Boulevard Voltaire. Seem to be slightly larger and it was a very nice apartment again close to place du republique .. this was very comfortable except again for the couch. If you read the reviews on this one everybody, well nearly everybody complains about this couch. It’s huge, but when you sit down on it, it slides away from underneath you and becomes extremely uncomfortable. We had a 10 night stay here as well. On about day five I noticed that the hot water was not as hot and by day six we had no hot water. I rang Olivier and he was a little bit dismissive about it, but sent someone around who did a quick fiddle, and then the water ran hot until he left the building and then it was cold again. I had to ring Olivier and he ended up being very cross with us saying that we were exaggerating etc. Then he said he had 30 buildings that he had to manage, and he was sick of everybody ringing and there was only so much he could do. So I was quite firm in my reply, as we had paid quite a lot of money to stay in this apartment . So he just said okay I’ll give you the last three days of your money back and you can go to a hotel. Well virtually tossing us out on the street. I said no I’ll just put up with it but I’m not very happy. So three days later after cold washes in the bathroom sink , a fellow did turn up and he fixed it and he did say yes there is definitely definitely a problem and it will need a solid repair. So we had one or two days of hot water again.

So we come to our July stay. As usual communication with Olivia is pretty good, although he answers you but it might not be the answer to the question that you’ve asked. Anyway, we got to Charles de Gaulle very early and consequently to the apartment very early, but I had informed him that that would be the case. He agreed that we could dump our luggage in the apartment, as it turned out, the other people had left. So that was really good. So he was in the apartment with the cleaner fiddling around because it turned out that the TV wasn’t working. Which he said that he would get fixed after we left. So I was a bit gobsmacked because there was no offer of any compensation, exactly like what it happened on apartment number two when we had no hot water. Even a bottle of champagne would’ve made me happy. But nothing. Luckily I had a miniature iPad and that’s what we watched for the week. Now we generally walk all day and then drag ourselves back into the apartment and stay there for the rest of the night. So we heavily depend on the TV for local news back home, and also things to watch before we go to bed. So we weren’t happy about this, but didn’t want to complain. The apartment was lovely, although it had the creakiest floor that I’ve heard. There was no information on how to use all the electrical appliances in the kitchen. The apartment was the noisiest ever. Courtyard noises. OMG

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10495 posts

I’m trying not to be suspicious, but both the question and the answer are from 1st time posters.

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3 posts

Nothing suspicious here! Just needed a genuine response with some feedback. Hoping to do all of the due diligence I can to make my trip as smooth as possible!

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3841 posts

The 1-post questioner may not be suspicious but a 1-post responder, especially this one, is certainly suspicious. I’d take it with a large grain of salt.

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9436 posts

“Funnily enough I was just checking my booking when I saw this.”

Just curious… How does one come across this post on this forum on this website when checking their booking with a rental agency?

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10472 posts

How? By googling the name of the company to find the link to log in to check your reservation. The alternative would be to scroll through your phone messages to find the confirmation email. So possible, but still an interesting coincidence.

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10472 posts

Mullens 214 has added on to his/her answer with important info about dealing with this agency. All is not heavenly, but reminds me of problems we've had with many apartments -- one reason I use aparthotels or hotels nowadays.
I hope the OP comes back with this new info now shared.

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146 posts

Not a longtime poster here, but one who has knowledge of Olivier Scellier. He has been a very reputable manager of Paris apartments for quite a long time. A friend of mine introduced me to his apartments about ten years ago.

I would tend to believe the review of the apartments as written, with what I know. The apartments tend to be more than adequate, but not without some problems, although lack of a television wouldn't bother me, the hot water issue would have.

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9436 posts

If i had no hot water the 2nd time i rented an apt with this agency and the manager was as unpleasant as described, i would not have rented from him a 3rd time.