Thanks everyone. I worry my terrible French would be next to impossible to understand over the phone. It sounds like there isn't one conventional method for Paris, so we'll go with the flow as we figure it out. I really didn't want to offend anyone with a terribly written e-mail either.
I generally like to have a loose plan of where we are going to be having lunch and dinner. I find it improves travel when you are tired and hungry to not being thinking/arguing about where or what you want to do for a meal. That said, I'm primarily concerned with the Sunday evening as my understanding is many places do close on Sunday and then we are there on 2/14, and I know here at home places are booked early, so for that evening I'm trying to get something set as well.
I am doubtful we'll be going anywhere crazy high in demand. We're staying in Saint Germain area, so happy to hear of any good and casual places in that area :)
**Yes, N.A., New England.